Held að þetta sé ekkert "guðanna bænum dæmi hérna." Ég hef áhuga á að vita hvað er að ef ég get áður en ég ákveð hvort ég ætla keyra hann á verkstæði eða láta draga hann. Ég fer helst ekkert bara blint að keyra hann á verkstæði. Það gæti skaðað hann. Ég talaði við Þórð sem er í nágrenninu og hann sagði að hann myndi bara lesa af honum kóðana til að byrja með. Ég hef hvort sem er verið að spá í að kaupa græju til að lesa af kóða.demaNtur skrifaði:Ef það eru vandamál með bílinn enn í gangi, eins og þú segir "Warning electric system" - Í guðanna bænum farðu með bílinn á verkstæði.
"For the "warning electric system" message you mentioned, a frequent fault code is P0562 (System Voltage Low), which points to a problem with the battery, alternator, or wiring delivering insufficient voltage to the ECU. Another possibility is P0620 (Generator Control Circuit Malfunction), indicating an alternator issue, or P0685 (ECM/PCM Power Relay Control Circuit Open), suggesting a fault in the power relay feeding the engine control module. These codes align with the 1.6 SCe petrol engine’s electrical setup in the 4WD Essential trim, where the added drivetrain components can strain the charging system. Owners have reported this warning due to aging batteries (common after 3-5 years), corroded terminals, or alternator output dropping below the required 13.8-14.4V when running. Other codes like U3000 (Control Module Failure) might appear if the ECU itself is glitching, though this is rarer.
Beyond electrical issues, the Duster II 1.6 4WD MT can throw codes related to its mechanical systems. For instance, P0130 or P0131 (O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction or Low Voltage, Bank 1 Sensor 1) might emerge if the exhaust or oxygen sensors fail, impacting fuel economy—a known weak spot for this non-turbo petrol engine. The 4WD system could trigger C1140 (Actuator Malfunction) or C1142 (4WD Control Unit Fault) if the transfer case or rear differential sensors detect issues, sometimes linked to wiring faults under off-road stress. Transmission-related codes like P0700 (Transmission Control System Malfunction) might also appear if the manual gearbox sensors or clutch system falter, though this is less common. To pinpoint your exact codes, you’d need an OBD-II scanner (e.g., a cheap Bluetooth ELM327 dongle with an app like Torque works). Given your earlier electrical warning, I’d start by checking the battery (should read 12.6V off, 14V running) and alternator with a multimeter, then scan for codes to confirm—let me know if you get specific ones, and I can refine the advice!"
Hún er að byggja þetta á heimildum eigenda, t.d. https://www.daciaforum.co.uk/threads/fault-codes.38190/