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Tveirmetrar er mjög lík þessari:

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Tveirmetrar í pörtum.
Motherboard: Asus ROG Rampage 6 Extreme
Official - YT Review - Review - Review - Amazon
Best motherboard I've ever had, and I've had quite a few. And there is no question, it's the most beautiful motherboard ever made. (You need to see it to believe) It's also the second batch of 2066 / X299 motherboards and experiences none of the VRM heat throttling issues that the first X299 motherboards exhibited. Bios updated 10.06.18.
Receipt price: 112,950 ISK - Current retail price: 112,950 ISK
Purchase date: 23.11.17 - Warranty with expires: 23.11.18
Original packaging and all peripherals included.
Price: 80,000 ISK

CPU: Intel i9-7900x, DELIDDED, from SILICON LOTTERY - 4.7GHZ OC Guarantee.
Been running it at 4.8GHZ stable with tweaking. Runs 15-25°C colder than retail i9-7900x. Stupid to buy the retail version, as it runs insanely hot and almost impossible to overclock due to thermal issues.
Receipt price: 1,251 USD (170,000 ISK when arrived)- Current retail price: 1,049 USD (140,000 ISK Approx)
Purchase date: 24.11.17 - Warranty with Silicon Lottery expires: 24.11.18
No packaging.
Price: 115,000 ISK

RAM: Corsair Vengeance 4x8GB 3600MHZ RGB - CMR32GX4M4C3600C18
With manual timing tweaks, RAM ran stable at 4000MHZ. - Purchased to match the recommended RAM for Rampage 6 Extreme Mobo. Works fine on most mobos, but I recommend you check your mobo's official recommended ram list using: CMR32GX4M4C3600C18
Receipt price: 72,950 ISK - Current retail price: 75,000 ISK
Purchase date: 12.01.18 - Warranty with expires: 12.01.19
Original packaging included.
Price: 55,000 ISK

CPU cooling: Corsair H150i Pro RGB
Official - Review - Review - Review
Released in January 2018, the new Corsair 360mm AIO water cooling is really good. Keeps up with the i9-7900x at 4,8ghz.
Fan can be connected to Corsair Commander Pro (Hardware, sold below) and Corsair Link (software, free) for very precise fan and RGB control. Can be bought with Corsair RGB LL fans (+10,000 ISK, currently mounted) or included ML fans.
Receipt price: 29,950 ISK - Current best retail price: 33,950 ISK
Purchase date: 12.01.18 - Warranty with expires: 12.01.19
Original Packaging included.
Price: 25,000 ISK
If the Mobo, CPU, Ram and Cooling is taken as one purchase, I'll help you set it up and OC the machine to whatever you want. 4,8ghz is loud (needed high voltage for stability). 4,7ghz, on the other hand, is silent at idle and runs much cooler. Especially if you are editing or working with heavy CPU loads. That's 4,7ghz on 10 cores. 10! Cores.
Combo Price: 250,000 ISK, with OC and installation in a new case. (assistance)
GPU: MSI 1080Ti Sea Hawk X 11GB - Watercooled hybrid.
Official - Review - Amazon
Built using the H55 Corsair liquid cooler. Runs frozen, pretty much, regardless of how much I OC.
Fan can be connected to Corsair Commander Pro (Hardware, sold below) and Corsair Link (software, free) for very precise fan and RGB control. Can be bought with Corsair RGB LL fan (+4,000 ISK, currently mounted) or included HD fan.
Receipt price: 134,950 ISK - Current retail price: 134,950 ISK (At least)
Purchase date: 05.12.17 - Warranty with expires: 05.12.18
Original Packaging included.
Price: 99,000 ISK

M.2: Samsung 960 Pro 1TB
Simply awesome.
Receipt price: 89,900 ISK - Current best retail price: 72,900 ISK
Purchase date: 10.01.18 - Warranty with expires: 10.01.19
Not sure on packaging.
Price: 55,000 ISK

M.2: Samsung 960 Pro 1TB
Simply awesome.
Receipt price: 89,900 ISK - Current best retail price: 72,900 ISK
Purchase date: 10.01.18 - Warranty with expires: 10.01.19
Not sure on packaging.
Price: 55,000 ISK

M.2: Samsung 960 Pro 1TB
Simply awesome.
Receipt price: 89,900 ISK - Current retail price: 72,900 ISK
Purchase date: 10.01.18 - Warranty with expires: 10.01.19
Not sure on packaging.
Price: 55,000 ISK

PSU: Corsair AX1200i
Everyone knows what this is, so no need for reviews or links. Arguably the best PSU available. Comes with a 7-year warranty from Corsair in addition to the 1-year warranty in Iceland.
Receipt price: 62,950 ISK - Current best retail price: 64,950 ISK
Purchase date: 23.11.17 - Warranty with expires: 23.11.18
Original Packaging included.
Price: 50,000 ISK

Tempered Glass RGB Case Package:
Thermaltake View 71 RGB
6x Corsair LL120 RBG Case Fans.
Corsair RGB Lighting Strips
2x Corsair Commander Pro
Not going to rip out the strips, the case fans or the Commander Pros, they are just too awesome in this case. A big tempered glass case needs this and the case looks SO much better with the right lighting. Remember that the colours are adjustable, so it doesn't have to look like a rainbow.
Case: Thermaltake View 71 RGB E-ATX (huge)
Official - Review - Amazon
If fitted properly, can look like a piece of art wherever you place it. Tinted windows make sure that the RGB glory doesn't overshadow the default room lighting, or blind you if it's next to you on the desk in the dark. Looks like new.
Receipt price: 44,950 ISK - Current retail price: ? (N/A in Iceland)
Purchase date: 25.01.18 - Warranty with expires: 25.01.19
Fan and RGB controller: 2x Corsair Commander Pro
Official - Review - Review - Amazon
Can control all fans and most RGB lighting (couldn't find a way to sync motherboard RGB). Everything else is controllable with the Commander. Works really well with Corsair Link (free software from Corsair).
Receipt price: 11,950 ISK - Current retail price: 12,450 ISK
Purchase date: 25.01.18 - Warranty with expires: 25.01.19
Original Packaging included.
Case Fans:
6x Corsair LL120 RGB Case Fans
Receipt price: 5,500ISK x 6 = 25,500 ISK - Current/Real retail price: 6,950 x 6 = 41,700
Purchase date: 25.01.18 - Warranty with expires: 25.01.19
Corsair RGB Lighting Strips
Receipt price: 10,950 ISK - Current retail price: 10,950 ISK
Full retail price:
Case: 44,900 ISK
Fans: 41,700 ISK
Strips: 10,950 ISK
Commanders: 24,900 ISK
=122,450 (FUCK, did not realize that my RGB party was so expensive)
Price: 80,000 ISK

Einnmeter í pörtum:
Motherboard: Asus Z97-K
Official - Amazon
No receipt, No purchase date, No warranty.
Highest bid.
CPU: Intel i5 4690K
No receipt, No purchase date, No warranty.
Highest bid.
Ram: Need to check...
CPU cooling: Corsair H150i Pro RGB
Official - Review - Review - Review
Released in January 2018, the new Corsair 360mm AIO water cooling is really good. Keeps up with the i9-7900x at 4,8ghz.
Fan can be connected to Corsair Commander Pro (Hardware, sold below) and Corsair Link (software, free) for very precise fan and RGB control. Can be bought with Corsair RGB LL fans (+10,000 ISK, currently mounted) or included ML fans.
Receipt price: 29,950 ISK - Current retail price: 33,950 ISK
Purchase date: 12.01.18 - Warranty with expires: 12.01.19
Original Packaging included.
Price: 25,000 ISK
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 1080 OC
Should have full information about warranty, receipt and all, after the weekend.
M.2: Samsung 960 Pro 1TB
Simply awesome.
Receipt price: 89,900 ISK - Current best retail price: 72,900 ISK
Purchase date: 10.01.18 - Warranty with expires: 10.01.19
Not sure on packaging.
Price: 55,000 ISK

M.2: Samsung 960 Pro 512GB
Simply awesome.
Receipt price: 47,900 ISK - Current retail price: 36,900 ISK
Purchase date: 19.01.18 - Warranty with expires: 19.01.19
Not sure on packaging.
Price: 26,000 ISK

PSU: Corsair AX860
More information after the weekend.
Case: Corsair Crystal 570X RGB
Official - Review - Review - Amazon
Receipt price: 31,960 ISK - Current best retail price: 39,950 ISK
Purchase date: 28.11.17 - Warranty with expires: 28.11.18
Extremely high ratings in reviews, and looks really good. Looks awesome with additional lighting.
Price: 30,000 ISK

Also available as a combo:
Corsair Crystal 570X: 39,950 ISK
6x Corsair LL120 fans: 41,700 ISK
Strips: 10,950 ISK
1x Commander: 12,450 ISK
=105,050 ISK (Full warranty, same purchase dates as the case, fans, etc above.)
Price: 69.000 ISK
Fan and RGB controller: 1x Corsair Commander Pro
Official - Review - Review - Amazon
Can control all fans and most RGB lighting (couldn't find a way to sync motherboard RGB). Everything else is controllable with the Commander. Works really well with Corsair Link (free software from Corsair).
Receipt price: 11,950 ISK - Current retail price: 12,450 ISK
Purchase date: 25.01.18 - Warranty with expires: 25.01.19
Original Packaging included.
Price 8,000 ISK

Acer Predator X34A, 34" IPS, 100HZ, 1440p Ultra Wide
Official - Review - review- Amazon
The king of immersion.
Receipt price: 239,990 ISK - Current retail price: 179,995 ISK
Purchase date: 03.08.16 - Warranty with Tölvutek expires: 03.08.18
Will include any cables requested. (3 max)
Price: 99.000 ISK

BenQ XR3501, 35" AMVA, 144HZ, 1080p Ultra Wide
Official - Review - Amazon
Large, high contrast (AMVA) gaming monitor.
Receipt price: N/A - Current retail price: 44,995 ISK
Purchase date: N/A - Warranty: Possibly with Tölvutek (bought used)
Price: 40.000

Astro A50 PC / X-BOX (Newest, Gen3)
Official - Review - Review - Amazon
Excellent for big heads and good on-headset-controls.
Receipt price: Lost - Current retail price: 44,995 ISK
Purchase date: 07.01.18 - Warranty: Best Buy USA (International warranty with receipt).
Price 30,000 ISK

Logitech G903 Wireless
Official - Review - Review - Amazon
Best mouse experience to date. Love it. I own two, which is the only reason I'm selling one. Like new.
Receipt price: 24,995 ISK - Current retail price: 24,995 ISK
Purchase date: 25.02.18 - Warranty with Elko expires: 25.02.19.
Price 16,000 ISK

And the mandatory long-post-potato:

Pm or 8697610 for info.
*More to come