Pavilion P4 2.8GHz Wireless G Notebook Model - ZV5100 Series
Intel ® Pentium ® 4 processor 2.8GHz 533MHz with 512KB L2 Cache
512MB DDR SDRAM (2 x 256MB) at 333MHz
Maximum Memory 1280MB DDR SDRAM (1 x 256MB, 1 x 1024MB)
Accessible Memory Slots
Video Graphics and Video Memory Memory
ATI MOBILITY™ RADEON™ 9000 IGP with 128MB DDR (shared)
Hard Drive
60GB enhanced-IDE hard disk drive (4200rpm)
Multimedia Drive
15.4" WXGA TFT wide viewing angle (1280 x 800) display
Network Card
Integrated 10/100BASE-T Ethernet LAN (RJ-45 connector)
Wireless Option
54g™ Integrated 802.11 b/g Wireless LAN LAN
Integrated v.90/v.92 56KB modem (RJ-11 connector)
16-bit Sound Blaster® Pro-compatible audio
Internal Harman Kardon speakers
AC audio link
Volume control button and mute button
101-key compatible
Pointing Device
Touch Pad with On/Off button and dedicated vertical Scroll Up/Down
PC Card Slots
1 Type I/II 32-bit card bus (also supports 16-bit)
External Notebook Ports
3 Universal Serial Bus (USB) 2.0
1 Parallel SPP/ECP standard interface
1 headphone-out
1 microphone-in
1 VGA (15-pin)
1 TV-Out (S-video)
1 RJ-11 (modem)
1 RJ -45 (LAN)
1 notebook expansion port
11.18"(L)(w/out hinge) to 11.59" (L)(w/hinge) x 14.25"(W) x 1.8"
7.9 lbs lbs(m)
Kensington MicroSaver lock slot
Power-on password
Accepts 3rd party security lock devices
120W AC adapter
8-Cell Lithium-Ion battery
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