AAO 2.0 Sýnishorn af prófum
AAO 2.0 Sýnishorn af prófum
Special Forces próf nr. Þarna sjáið þið að þetta flokkast engan vegin undin hefðbundin tölvuleik og er bara fyrir fólk sem hefur gaman af hlutum eins og http://www.adtdl.army.mil/rtddltextv.html
Vehicle, Aircraft and Weapons Identification
1. Is this vehicle friend or foe?
A: Friend
B: Foe
2. Wich Vehicle is this?
A: M1A1 Abrams
B: BTR80
C: Mi-24 Hind
3. All of the following are features of this vehicle expect?
A: 145mm machinegun
B: Turret mounted well forward of hull
C: 6 readwheels and 3 supported rollers
D: Grenade launchers on side of hull
4. The rotor is mounted on what kind of configuration?
A: Single
B: Dual
C: Coaxial
D: None of the above
5. Is this aircraft friend or foe?
A: Friend
B: Foe
6. Wich vehicle is this?
A: AH64 Apache
B: Mi8 Hip
C: LAV 25
D: UH60 Blackhawk
7. True or false: there was one RPG-7 in this group.
A: True
B: False
8. Wich weapon was the person on the left holding?
A: AK-47
B: M9
C: VSS Vintorez
D: None of the above
9. Which weapon was not being carried by this group?
B: AK-47
C: AK-74su
D: All of the above
10. Wich of the following is a feature of this vehicle?
A: 125mm main gun
B: Tricycle Landing Gear
C: Four evenly spaced large wheels on each side
11. Which vehicle is this?
A: M113 APC
B: M1A1 Abrams
C: BMP60
D: None of the above
12. Is this a friend or foe?
A: Friend
B: Foe
13. Friend or foe?
A: Friend
B: Foe
14. Wich vehicle is this?
A: Mi8 Hip
B: AH-64 Apache
C: Mi24 Hind
D: UH-1 Iroquois
15. How many blades are on each rotor?
A: 4 on both rotors
B: 5 on the main rotor, 3 on the tail rotor
C: 5 on both rotors
D: 2 on both rotors
Vehicle, Aircraft and Weapons Identification
1. Is this vehicle friend or foe?
A: Friend
B: Foe
2. Wich Vehicle is this?
A: M1A1 Abrams
B: BTR80
C: Mi-24 Hind
3. All of the following are features of this vehicle expect?
A: 145mm machinegun
B: Turret mounted well forward of hull
C: 6 readwheels and 3 supported rollers
D: Grenade launchers on side of hull
4. The rotor is mounted on what kind of configuration?
A: Single
B: Dual
C: Coaxial
D: None of the above
5. Is this aircraft friend or foe?
A: Friend
B: Foe
6. Wich vehicle is this?
A: AH64 Apache
B: Mi8 Hip
C: LAV 25
D: UH60 Blackhawk
7. True or false: there was one RPG-7 in this group.
A: True
B: False
8. Wich weapon was the person on the left holding?
A: AK-47
B: M9
C: VSS Vintorez
D: None of the above
9. Which weapon was not being carried by this group?
B: AK-47
C: AK-74su
D: All of the above
10. Wich of the following is a feature of this vehicle?
A: 125mm main gun
B: Tricycle Landing Gear
C: Four evenly spaced large wheels on each side
11. Which vehicle is this?
A: M113 APC
B: M1A1 Abrams
C: BMP60
D: None of the above
12. Is this a friend or foe?
A: Friend
B: Foe
13. Friend or foe?
A: Friend
B: Foe
14. Wich vehicle is this?
A: Mi8 Hip
B: AH-64 Apache
C: Mi24 Hind
D: UH-1 Iroquois
15. How many blades are on each rotor?
A: 4 on both rotors
B: 5 on the main rotor, 3 on the tail rotor
C: 5 on both rotors
D: 2 on both rotors
- Viðhengi
- 1.jpg (26.68 KiB) Skoðað 2596 sinnum
- 2.jpg (22.96 KiB) Skoðað 2596 sinnum
- 3.jpg (21.47 KiB) Skoðað 2596 sinnum
- 4.jpg (33.64 KiB) Skoðað 2596 sinnum
- 5.jpg (25.95 KiB) Skoðað 2596 sinnum
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Getur skoðað hérna http://www.americasarmy.com/gallery/ Special Forces, vélin ræður við miklu flottara en þetta, getur prófað það sjálfur en það er EKKI útlitið sem skiptir máli í Americas Army, það er hvað þú gerir. Þeir verða áfram að gera þennan leik þegar það verða komnir út almennilegir DX9 leikir. Skoðaðu endilega Field Medic og Special Forces, þetta er hugsað sem recruitment tool en ekki leikur svo ekki bera þetta saman við leiki.
- Fiktari
- Póstar: 96
- Skráði sig: Fim 07. Ágú 2003 03:22
- Reputation: 0
- Staðsetning: Reyðarfjörður
- Staða: Ótengdur
- Fiktari
- Póstar: 96
- Skráði sig: Fim 07. Ágú 2003 03:22
- Reputation: 0
- Staðsetning: Reyðarfjörður
- Staða: Ótengdur
- Fiktari
- Póstar: 96
- Skráði sig: Fim 07. Ágú 2003 03:22
- Reputation: 0
- Staðsetning: Reyðarfjörður
- Staða: Ótengdur
- Fiktari
- Póstar: 96
- Skráði sig: Fim 07. Ágú 2003 03:22
- Reputation: 0
- Staðsetning: Reyðarfjörður
- Staða: Ótengdur
- Fiktari
- Póstar: 96
- Skráði sig: Fim 07. Ágú 2003 03:22
- Reputation: 0
- Staðsetning: Reyðarfjörður
- Staða: Ótengdur