9 to 5 Google: The need for ‘Reddit Requests’ shows the sorry state of Google Support
When something goes wrong with your Pixel phone, the first thing you’d think to do is contact Google Support. But what do you do when — surprise, surprise — Google Support isn’t as helpful as you’d expect? For many, the answer is to turn to Reddit, and hope that one particular user and their “Reddit Requests” system will sympathize with your plea.
I got the chance to speak with Jason, a Google Store customer, who ran into a battery issue with his Pixel 3 XL and sent it back for a standard RMA exchange using a FedEx label provided by Google. Unfortunately, this is where things went awry, as FedEx lost Jason’s Pixel before it ever made it to Google.
At this point, Jason took up the issue with FedEx, trying to file a claim for the lost phone. However, FedEx support was unwilling to help with his claim, as the phone was shipped with the Google Store’s label, meaning Google needs to make the claim themselves.
Reaching out to Google Store support with what he learned from FedEx, Jason simply was told to talk to FedEx about making a claim. As Google never received the returning device, they refused to send a replacement. This became a cycle of unhelpful support that continued for two months, until Google closed Jason’s support ticket, effectively leaving him to pay hundreds of dollars for a phone lost by FedEx.
I got the chance to speak with Jason, a Google Store customer, who ran into a battery issue with his Pixel 3 XL and sent it back for a standard RMA exchange using a FedEx label provided by Google. Unfortunately, this is where things went awry, as FedEx lost Jason’s Pixel before it ever made it to Google.
At this point, Jason took up the issue with FedEx, trying to file a claim for the lost phone. However, FedEx support was unwilling to help with his claim, as the phone was shipped with the Google Store’s label, meaning Google needs to make the claim themselves.
Reaching out to Google Store support with what he learned from FedEx, Jason simply was told to talk to FedEx about making a claim. As Google never received the returning device, they refused to send a replacement. This became a cycle of unhelpful support that continued for two months, until Google closed Jason’s support ticket, effectively leaving him to pay hundreds of dollars for a phone lost by FedEx.
Kannski einhverjir voru að fylgjast með Stadia þræðinum mínum. Ég skal segja að þetta er mjög mikið verkfræðiafrek að fá þetta til að virka eins og það gerir --- vel fyrir langflesta, veit ekkert hvaðan þessi hystería í fjölmilum kom -- en reyndar var sumt kvartið í fjölmiðlum yfir því hvernig Google eru að höndla launchið. Ókei, þeir bættu við auka fríjum leik til mótssvars við því, allt í lagi. En annars eru þeir bara mjög lítið í samskiptum við samfálagið einhvernvegin. Og menn eru að benda á að Google sé eiginlega alltaf svona. Ég er sjálfur með Google Home smart hátalara og er sáttur með hann. En ég bjóst samt við að hann myndi alltaf verða betri og betri útaf þetta er keyrt á hugbúnaði og það með AI. En mér finnst hann ekkert hafa breyst né heldur appið síðan ég keypti þetta í sumar. Ljótt og leiðinlegt app. Svo þegar ég segi "hey google remind me in 10 minutes I have a pizza in the oven" þá gerist aldrei neitt þegar tíminn er liðinn. Ég er ekki einn með þetta bug, er búinn að gúgla þetta oft undanfarna mánuði en þetta lagast aldrei. Ég hélt að maður ætti eftir að geta notað þessa smart speakers mikið meira. (Reyndar fann ég Third Party leiðir þar sem þú getur tengt þetta við nánast hvað sem er, en var bara einhvernvegin að búast við meiru frá Google.)
Svo fannst mér ekkert kúl að þeir væru að hætta með ýmsar síður sem voru í gangi eins og Wave og Google+ því þær virkuðu ágætlega fyrir mig og maður var hægt og rólega að prófa þær meira og meira. Fannst alveg nice að hafa social media aðgang fylgjandi með Gmail og það var fullt af fólki að pósta þarna á hverjum degi um alskonar áhugamál.
Var að spá í hvort menn væru með einhverjar Google sögur hérna heima á klakanum eða íslendingar annarstaðar. Eða jafnvel góða reynslu af Google vörum sem þeir vilja deila?
Hérna eru Stadia notendur að tala um þetta:
nothing new for Google. they're just changing things in background and mostly users are the one who reporting new things, like webshop now also available in chrome.
lack of communication from Google really concerns me. they do it with Android, Google home / nest / phones too. barely communication.
key to succes is great communication and marketing, something Google doesn't seem to get right for the past years. I hope im wrong but I don't expect much better now they have stadia..
lack of communication from Google really concerns me. they do it with Android, Google home / nest / phones too. barely communication.
key to succes is great communication and marketing, something Google doesn't seem to get right for the past years. I hope im wrong but I don't expect much better now they have stadia..
[–]NetSage 6 points an hour ago
Stadia launch has shown Google needs to hire someone to manage communication with ties to people running it. They are treating it like another app launch instead of something that needs love and attention to thrive.
Stadia launch has shown Google needs to hire someone to manage communication with ties to people running it. They are treating it like another app launch instead of something that needs love and attention to thrive.
[–]IncompetenceFromThem 2 points an hour ago
Stadia needs a whole new team, ceo etc to have succes. The engineers did wonderfully but these in management failed so bad.
Stadia needs a whole new team, ceo etc to have succes. The engineers did wonderfully but these in management failed so bad.
[–]one2escape 4 points an hour ago
TBH they are doing a hellva lot better than they did before. Their communication the last week or so is so much better. it is more concise and less confusing and misleading. If they go weekly updates I am fine with that.
TBH they are doing a hellva lot better than they did before. Their communication the last week or so is so much better. it is more concise and less confusing and misleading. If they go weekly updates I am fine with that.