Well all I can say is that this is a negative experience and been a complete waste of time. Here's my break down, pretty long but I'm a fast typer and I don't spell check

Operators, if you're too busy to read through all of this, I'm going to add Manne to the deal breaker lists, I explain why below. Going back after being flamed simply shouldn't be an option.
Manne selling a 1080 to Templar ---- Sequence of events.
1. Manne puts on an add for 1080. Templar asks if he's got it and he does he'll buy it at the price Manne asked for, no bartering.
>> Manne accepts the offer, see the top of this post, he did NOT have a "half way" deal or an "open" deal. Scrutiny into the communications will reveal that. I, Templar, accepted even no box etc.
2. I give Manne my phone number to call for delivery or a pickup.
>> Manne says he'll call but doesn't.
3. Manne sends me, Templar, a message late on Sunday over email that said the following:
"Message sent to you follows
Okay. So I got an offer at 78.000 and I hate to be a douche but 8k is 8k
closer to my TI so I think I have to accept his offer. I am really sorry to
sort of promise it to you and then back out.
If he change his mind or whatever Ill contact you straight away."
>> Without a doubt Manne has pulled out of a deal for measly 8K and is "really sorry" too it seems.. aha. This is not "sort of promsing", we were beyond that.
4. >> I, Templar, tell Manne my opinion of this here on this thread and in a PM, I honor all my deals and I expect others simply to do the same. I also tell Manne that I will add him to the list of users that do not honor deals and people should be wary of.
In response to this Manne sends me a SHIT PM like I have done something wrong! These are the PMs:
Templar skrifaði:
"Hi. I'll add you to the list of those that break deals, you accepted my deal and that's done. Your name will be on that list like forever when someone does a search for you. Not a wise decision for 8.000. A disgrace."
"So thats where you go straight to? If you just would have been friendly and said. "No we had a deal I would respect if you uphold it." I would have respected that and would have sold you the card. Honestly. With you threating me, I have no interest selling you the card either way. I even said to the other dude that I would talk to you first before accepting his offer.
But put me on the list. Have fun with that."
>> So I, Templar, should be "friendly" and "ask" if he will honor his deal because I don't like it that he didn't LOL But because I did not "ask" him not to betray the deal I can go and fuck off and have "fun" putting him on the black list of users here. Manne is also not "interested" in selling me the card because I'm doing the default thing on this forum and that is to inform other honest forum users of someone that can't be trusted. Yeah Manne is the victim here for sure //satire
5. Manne sends another PM to me, Templar, after being flamed on this thread, it goes like:
"I apolagize if I sounded rude in the last message. I got offended becuase I felt like it has harsh. But after the discussion in the thread I am more understanding and I am agreeing with you that your offer comes first.
If you still want to buy the card the offer still stands.
and if you want to back out its fine as well. Up to you.
Take care."
>> Ok Manne, "sounded rude".. No you didn't "sound" rude, you were rude in both breaking a deal and rude in your reaction when you realized there'd be some list you didn't realize existed with your name it.
Only when you get flamed do you back down.
This was supposed to be an upgrade for my daughters old PC that's got a GTX 980. I have now simply made this a lesson for her how NOT to treat people and that today your online behavior has consequences and you really cannot separate your online identity from your RL persona, they both have a reputation and one should always be respectful to people at all times online just like in RL.
I'm putting you on the list of deal breakers because you belong there, you broke the deal and then you want to unbreak it because you got flamed. You furthermore state in the advertisement of the card that you don't think there's coil whine in the card but you really don't know - Putting that together with how you behave here is just too much wrongness and I don't trust you any more or that the card really is in 100% condition.
>> Let this be a lesson to you to treat people with more respect in the future. Icelanders are no different from native Swedes, most are honest and respectful and expect others to be the same.
Good luck.