dandri skrifaði:Ég held þú myndir líka brjóta af þér ef þér væri smalað saman í gettó, hefðir enga menntun og lifðir í fátækt.
Þetta lið má þá gera það heima hjá sér, Skandinavía og mörg önnur Evrópulönd eru að verða Overrun af austantjaldsmenningu, fólk sem kemur sér inní þessi lönd þvi þau mega ekki segja nei útaf einhverju mannréttindadóti, dettur svo beint inná alskonar atvinnubætur og réttindi án þess að gera neitt í landinu sjálfur.
"As many of you might be aware of Sweden is currently facing large problems with immigration. It's breaking the countries economy. Ethnical Swedes are being removed from their homes and refugees move in. Our current politicians are doing nothing to fix the problems, in any debate they have against our only immigrant critical party they can't bring up any logical arguments. All they can do is appeal to emotion, completely overlooking the economical costs and the social costs. There is an increase in crime rate that is so intimately tied to the rate of immigration that it cannot be overlooked.
It has gotten to the point where you cannot talk about the follow things(There are probably more things that I haven't thought of):
-Law enforcement
Without any of them being infected by a heavily disproportionate number of immigrants causing problems and rising costs, immigration is going to escalate in the future and thus it is impossible to not discuss immigration and the implications of it in those areas, it affects almost everything. It's a catastrophy and will mean the destruction of the welfare system in Sweden if this goes on. To add to all of this the leader of the swedish social democratic workers party have stated that they will not take the debate with the Sweden Democrats. It could very well be that the Sweden Democrats become the third biggest party next election or even the second biggest. Depending on what happens in Sweden. We've seen a massive movement from both the swedish moderate party and the social democrats, we've seen a movement from the peoples party to the Sweden Democrats.
It's come to the point where the police refuse to respond to calls from certain areas, areas which incidentally(Not really) happens to be filled with immigrants. When and if they arrive there they are in many cases attacked by the inhabitants of the area, many times with peoples throwing rocks. There's been cases of people throwing fire bombs at them. Same happens firefighters respond to an alarm in those areas to put out a fire, they cannot help them because the inhabitants attack them. If they have to go there they will not do so without police escort. Ambulances are waiting for police to check if everything is clear before they dare driving into those areas to help people if there's been someone who has been the victim of a crime out of fear of the inhabitans attacking them."
Vissulega hljómar þetta bullandi rasískt hjá mér en þetta er bara málið, Svíar eru að lenda í miklum vandræðum vegna þess að heilu hverfin eru undirlögð undir inflytjendur þar sem glæpastarfsemi þrýfst og almennir Sænskir borgarar verða oft fyrir barðinu.
Vil taka það fram að ég hef ekkert á móti svörtu fólki, fólki frá Asíu eða einhverjum öðrum litarhætti en en þetta austantjaldslið fer allveg í mína fínustu.
Ég þekki þó fólk í mínum bæ sem er flóttafólk frá Serbíu og eru þau mjög fín, hugsanlega vegna þess að þau búa bara í kringum Íslendinga, ef byggt yrði stórt hverfi fyrir þetta fólk sæi það enga ástæðu að blanda geði við Íslendinga og gæti lifað við svipuð skilyrði og það flúði frá (sbr. Svíþjóð)