Dayz Origins

Póstar: 24
Skráði sig: Þri 09. Mar 2010 15:12
Reputation: 0
Hafðu samband:
Staða: Ótengdur

Dayz Origins

Pósturaf xripton » Mið 27. Mar 2013 19:33

jæja sælir drengir er að spá hvort að það sé einhver áhugi á að spila þetta mod á whitelistuðum server

er með 40 slotta server í gangi ip og er að athuga áhugan á þessu hann er opinn öllum en það þarf ekki mikið til að whitelista serverinn,

ef þið hafið áhuga þá endilega droppið já-i eða nei, einnig mætti fylgja guid með jái



Welcome to Origins, the new ARMA II mod inspired and based on modified version of DayZ. Fight to survive in the harsh apocalyptic Taviana 3.0 map, fully redesigned, making room for a wide range of new features and twisted survival elements. The world has gone to hell and you're right in the middle. There is more to life than just surviving, and now you have a purpose. What is this infection that has spread across the globe? Why are the dead walking again? Is there any hope in putting an end to this? There is only one way to find out, grab what supplies you can and get exploring.

Some things never change, the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. While you crawl in the mud hunting for scraps the rich have made a nice home for themselves, aptly named “Salvation Island”. They live in comfort surrounded by high walls and armed mercenaries. But they are not there to just keep the infected at bay. Don't expect a welcome party if you pay them a visit. Although if you manage to get in, you will have a chance at grabbing some of their finest weaponry.

All of this set in our new Taviana 3.0 featuring over 60 new buildings with full interiors to explore. From Hospitals and Police stations to Museums and Military Camps. There is more to explore than ever before. Will you be able discover the Origins of the outbreak or simply become another walking corpse?

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We would like to take this opportunity to extend the community sincere appreciation to developers like " Dean Rocket Hall " and Bohemia Interactive for creating such an outstanding and powerful engine of ARMA and offering the proper modifications tools for the community use. We definitely looking forward for ARMA III and the community is really impatiently waiting for DayZ Standalone.

Origins Key Features :

New and Enhanced Day/Night cycle . ( Smooth transition every 4 hours cycle ) for more dynamic and immersive gameplay.

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Patient Zero: A unique mutated Super zombie capturing / killing this zombie might have the cure for the zombie infection.

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Survivor made vehicles: Cars / helicopters / rafts / quad bikes and more

New Twist: Yotopia ( Salvation City ) the last human standing city where the society elites and the rich still live away from the infection. protected by high walls and the world top trained elite mercenaries.

Persistent Survivor levelling based on the newly introduced Humanity system. Players start with level 1 survivor with persistent levelling up , Players lose 1 level each time they die.

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GamePlay Changes
Think Twice before shooting the next survivor you see.
Resources on the main land are getting more scarce while " Salvation City " is rich with weapons and supplies but you cannot just walk there alone unless you have a deathwish. You should team up and down the guards.

Every level enjoys new survivor/bandit outfit ( 24 in total )

Taviana 3.0 Map: DayZ Origins takes place on fully re-worked 600 Km2 Taviana Island 3.0 featuring over 60 new enterable building types, ( Hospitals, Train stations, Commercial districts, police stations, Ports, Military stations, Museums and much more, polished interiors and exteriors with highly detailed and carefully designed textures.

Origins 1.5 - coming soon Today

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” - Charles Darwin

Finally Origins 1.5 is here, a massive update that aims to bring more realism and the feel of harsh post apocalyptic environments.

Loaded with long awaited features, Origins 1.5 presents new gameplay, new loot, Survivor Made Vehicles Customization, new and also customizable historical cold war vehicles, new Zombie types and the long awaited world of Taviana 4.0.

GamePlay changes
Salvation City Strikes Back - time for more social gameplay ?

Origins 1.0 Introduced Salvation City, known as ( Sector B ) the last human standing city where the elites and the rich still live, far away from the infection, protected by high walls and the world top trained elite mercenaries. In that time survivors needed to work together not to only survive the harsh post apocalyptic environment and zombie infection, but to reach and conquer Salvation City introducing new common objective to the survivors.

In Origins 1.5 : Salvation city strikes back, mercenary raids to the mainland to scavenge additional food and water supplies, beware nowhere is is safe anymore... danger can come from land water or skies.. Zombies are not your only enemy anymore!

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New Features

Zombies: Introduction of 12 New Zombies Types: Zombies are now more aggressive more dangerous, from swamp zombies to mutated zombies, stronger and faster and each with different

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Hello there, Friendly ?

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Fully Customizable Survivor made vehicles: did you like Mad max ? Unleash your imagination on how you want to customize your vehicles, You can add plows or shield your driver seat window .. possibilities are endless, each decision you make can make the difference between life and death.

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25 New customizable Vehicles including: Newly introduced iconic cold war Russian aged Vehicles reflecting the " end of the world" post apocalyptic theme and spirit.

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My Home Feature: Now you can start building your home with the introduction of camp building features, such as building camping tent, upgradable with storage boxes.

- Sleep/ Rest feature: now you can go to you camp and sleep for a period of time to fully restore your health and energy. bringing more into the social gameplay style.. you will definitely need someone on guard you while sleeping no ?

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- Campfire: Campfire now prevents ( Night Zombies ) from attacking your camp while you are asleep - Night zombies only appear at night.

Taviana 4.0: Featuring 5 new islands to explore, Tweaks, bug fixes and the new mysterious Taviana safari Park, which have some mysterious dark secrets.

New Spawn Locations: Five new selectable spawn cities as well as the random spawn option, Helping you spawn in at the city of your choice.

has spoken...
Póstar: 176
Skráði sig: Sun 06. Jan 2013 22:39
Reputation: 5
Staðsetning: Ísland
Hafðu samband:
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf Hjorleifsson » Mið 27. Mar 2013 19:37

þetta lookar vel, kíki á serverinn í kvöld eða á morgun.

  • Level: 43
  • Worth: $10.636
  • Games owned: 812
  • DLC owned: 652
  • Games not played: 426 (52%)
  • Games not in store: 25
  • Hours spent: 5,125h

Póstar: 24
Skráði sig: Þri 09. Mar 2010 15:12
Reputation: 0
Hafðu samband:
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf xripton » Fös 29. Mar 2013 22:48

jæja þeir sem voru ekki nógu ákafir að koma og spila ættu að renna yfir patch notes 1.6 serverinn updateast á morgun patch notes hér þetta er risastórt update player made houses, etc mining security ofl ... #post35734




The natural evolution of creativity

Today We are pleased to announce the release of DayZ Origins mod 1.6 which answers many of the long awaited community requests of adding buildings and mining elements to Dayz Origins.

The new features of origins 1.6 once more pushes the modding capabilities to bring new base building, mining and house construction mechanics. This update is expected to have a direct impact to the traditional zombie apocalypse experience, opening new opportunities un-explored before, new level of gameplay mechanics and indirectly paving the way to a new era of MMO / Survival games.


Days become weeks, weeks become months and now only the toughest remain. Those still living and breathing have learnt to adapt to the fresh hell they now call home. Across Taviana, survivors are gathering resources to not only survive but rebuild their lives. Building new homes hidden away from the overrun cities, humanity is finding a foothold in the most remote places.

But rebuilding civilisation was never going to be easy. While some survivors have learnt to work together there are still many who are as merciless as the zombies themselves. Time has allowed the three sides to make roots in their new world. Those who are holding onto what little humanity they have left are rebuilding communities, while bandits are still roaming the lands and doing the same in their own crude way. All that while the Zombies are becoming more numerous as more survivors fall prey to the infected, Salvation city guards are also raiding the main lands for more supplies, danger is now everywhere.,

Now that there is a less sense of security for those still alive, many have begun to reflect on the events of the last few months. It seems that finding the cure is not an easy task, and the rumours of Dr. Ivan “ Patient Zero” strike fear and curiosity into many. Many went exploring what little remains of the once ruling establishment to find clues for the location of his lab and maybe to find the cure?. Clearly this is no task for the faint hearted. Some questions are perhaps best left unanswered...

Key Features.

Origins story continues with additional common Objectives : New Clues only found in salvation city that leads survivors to Dr. Ivan underground hidden lab.


Mining and house building: Mine and collect resources from the surrounding environment to Build upgrade and customize your home.


Survivor made Towns/Villages :. Survivors are now able to work together to claim lands and establishing their own buildings and houses together to form small villages or towns, exchange or trade resources.

Survivor’s decisions: Survivors now need to choose their path very carefully, heroic or banditry deeds will have direct impact on type of building upgrades and resources their homes produce.

Blueprints: Survivors can search and find rare blue prints that enable them to further enhance their homes with upgrades and Garages.


Keep thieves and intruders away: Survivors can add security to their own houses by finding batteries and adding digital locks to lock the doors of their houses and garages doors.

New Loot and Objects : Introducing numerous new items weapons and supplies..

Detailed interiors : Introducing numerous new items that can be upgraded for more functionality, Craft you own furniture and decorations and additional customization in 1.7 update

Make sure to read this :

Quick introduction to the new materials
Things you must avoid
Trading in Origins ( coming soon )
How to download and install
Report bugs
Suggestions for the next update

Póstar: 421
Skráði sig: Fim 19. Jún 2008 18:17
Reputation: 1
Staðsetning: Rúminu hans Zedro..
Hafðu samband:
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf donzo » Fös 29. Mar 2013 23:03

maður kíkir kannski á þetta

Póstar: 28
Skráði sig: Fim 04. Nóv 2010 22:13
Reputation: 1
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf cc151 » Lau 30. Mar 2013 00:07

Já ætli maður kíki ekki eitthvað

Póstar: 24
Skráði sig: Þri 09. Mar 2010 15:12
Reputation: 0
Hafðu samband:
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf xripton » Lau 30. Mar 2013 15:59

sælir drengir update-ið fyrir moddið er ekki enn komið á dayz commander en það er hægt að downloada því af mirrorum frá
moddið mun koma á dayz commander seinna í dag serverinn er up

MIRROR 1 -Origins 1.6
MIRROR 2 -Origins 1.6
MIRROR 3 -Origins 1.6

Póstar: 364
Skráði sig: Mán 31. Okt 2011 18:04
Reputation: 0
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf paze » Lau 30. Mar 2013 20:28

Er þetta annað Arma mod byggt á Day Z eða??

has spoken...
Póstar: 176
Skráði sig: Sun 06. Jan 2013 22:39
Reputation: 5
Staðsetning: Ísland
Hafðu samband:
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf Hjorleifsson » Lau 30. Mar 2013 22:50

@paze þetta er eiginlega bara eins og annað map í DayZ með fleiri byssum og faratækjum

  • Level: 43
  • Worth: $10.636
  • Games owned: 812
  • DLC owned: 652
  • Games not played: 426 (52%)
  • Games not in store: 25
  • Hours spent: 5,125h


Póstar: 1249
Skráði sig: Þri 30. Nóv 2010 17:18
Reputation: 66
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf demaNtur » Sun 31. Mar 2013 03:57

Kostar þessi leikur eitthvað?

Póstar: 382
Skráði sig: Fös 26. Ágú 2011 20:04
Reputation: 4
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf angelic0- » Sun 31. Mar 2013 04:08

demaNtur skrifaði:Kostar þessi leikur eitthvað?

x2 :?:

ROG Crosshair V - Formula Z | AMD FX 8350 X8 @ 4.55GHz | Corsair XMS3 32GB DDR3 (4x8GB) | 2x WD 1TB & 1x Seagate Constellation 2TB (4TB storage)
Samsung SSD 840 EVO 750GB | ASUS HD7770 x2 (2GB) | Corsair H100i CPU cooler | CoolerMaster Silencio 650 | Forton Aurum Modular 1200w Pro PSU

Póstar: 24
Skráði sig: Þri 09. Mar 2010 15:12
Reputation: 0
Hafðu samband:
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf xripton » Sun 31. Mar 2013 12:45

þið þurfið að eiga arma 2 combined operations

Póstar: 512
Skráði sig: Mán 03. Jan 2011 15:00
Reputation: 1
Staðsetning: Akureyri
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf Varasalvi » Sun 31. Mar 2013 13:42

angelic0- skrifaði:
demaNtur skrifaði:Kostar þessi leikur eitthvað?

x2 :?:

Þetta er mod, svo þið þurfið bara Arma 2: Combined Operations. Þetta er reyndar mod fyrir Dayz moddið :)


Póstar: 11
Skráði sig: Lau 12. Maí 2012 10:46
Reputation: 0
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf 90bibbi » Mið 03. Apr 2013 17:14

Já ég er til í þetta! Ég dýrka Day-z! - -

Draazil elmo
Póstar: 2
Skráði sig: Mið 03. Apr 2013 17:11
Reputation: 0
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf Draazil elmo » Mið 03. Apr 2013 17:15

Ég er alveg til að kíkja inn á þennan server :)


Póstar: 1249
Skráði sig: Þri 30. Nóv 2010 17:18
Reputation: 66
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf demaNtur » Mið 03. Apr 2013 17:17

Varasalvi skrifaði:
angelic0- skrifaði:
demaNtur skrifaði:Kostar þessi leikur eitthvað?

x2 :?:

Þetta er mod, svo þið þurfið bara Arma 2: Combined Operations. Þetta er reyndar mod fyrir Dayz moddið :)

Aftur, kostar þessi leikur eitthvað?

Póstar: 512
Skráði sig: Mán 03. Jan 2011 15:00
Reputation: 1
Staðsetning: Akureyri
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf Varasalvi » Mið 03. Apr 2013 17:19

demaNtur skrifaði:
Varasalvi skrifaði:
angelic0- skrifaði:
demaNtur skrifaði:Kostar þessi leikur eitthvað?

x2 :?:

Þetta er mod, svo þið þurfið bara Arma 2: Combined Operations. Þetta er reyndar mod fyrir Dayz moddið :)

Aftur, kostar þessi leikur eitthvað?

Hann er á Steam á 24.99. Ég sagði þér hvað leikurinn hét, hefðir geta gáð að því sjálfur í staðinn fyrir að bíða 4 daga eftir svari.

Póstar: 51
Skráði sig: Mið 24. Feb 2010 21:50
Reputation: 0
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf psgiant » Mið 03. Apr 2013 17:55

ég prófa þetta í kvöld !
heiti PETER STONE i dayz

Póstar: 8
Skráði sig: Lau 16. Jún 2012 23:21
Reputation: 0
Staðsetning: Reykjavík
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf OldPainless » Fös 05. Apr 2013 21:05

Prufaði serverinn í fyrradag og virkaði þá en er bara fastur á loading screeninu núna. Virðist samt vera flott mod.

Edit: virkar núna :)

Draazil elmo
Póstar: 2
Skráði sig: Mið 03. Apr 2013 17:11
Reputation: 0
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf Draazil elmo » Sun 07. Apr 2013 19:13

okey Hvernig whitelista maður sig ?

Póstar: 24
Skráði sig: Þri 09. Mar 2010 15:12
Reputation: 0
Hafðu samband:
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf xripton » Sun 07. Apr 2013 19:40

Draazil elmo skrifaði:okey Hvernig whitelista maður sig ?

fyllir út whitelist applicationið með guid ofl á


Póstar: 2210
Skráði sig: Lau 26. Sep 2009 18:08
Reputation: 166
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf kizi86 » Mán 03. Jún 2013 18:12

server ennþá uppi?

ASRock B650E PG-ITX WiFi AMD Ryzen 9 7950X PowerColor "Red Devil" RX 7900 XTX 24GB G.Skill Trident Z5 RGB 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR5-6000 stýrikerfi: wd black sn850x 2TB WD RED 4TB WD RED 4TB 65" LG B8 OLED TV

Póstar: 24
Skráði sig: Þri 09. Mar 2010 15:12
Reputation: 0
Hafðu samband:
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf xripton » Þri 04. Jún 2013 00:03

já serverinn er ennþá uppi


Póstar: 2210
Skráði sig: Lau 26. Sep 2009 18:08
Reputation: 166
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf kizi86 » Þri 04. Jún 2013 01:26

gerði whitelist application fyrr í dag... og ekki enn buið að skrá mig:/ dno hvort marr nennir að spia server sem tekur svona ógeðslega langan tima að aprove-a mann..

ASRock B650E PG-ITX WiFi AMD Ryzen 9 7950X PowerColor "Red Devil" RX 7900 XTX 24GB G.Skill Trident Z5 RGB 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR5-6000 stýrikerfi: wd black sn850x 2TB WD RED 4TB WD RED 4TB 65" LG B8 OLED TV

Póstar: 107
Skráði sig: Fim 31. Júl 2008 23:55
Reputation: 1
Staðsetning: Reykjanesbær/Grindavik
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf alexone » Mán 17. Jún 2013 23:51

er þetta noCD server eða ?

Póstar: 75
Skráði sig: Fös 29. Mar 2013 10:22
Reputation: 0
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Dayz Origins

Pósturaf Eikibleiki » Fös 05. Júl 2013 00:54

ég gæti alveg spilað
er búinn að senda application