... longrange/
Solar Cycle 25 peaking around 2022 could be one of the weakest in centuries.
Solar Cycle 25 peaking around 2022 could be one of the weakest in centuries.
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Ég drekk ekki...
hsm skrifaði:GuðjónR skrifaði:braudrist skrifaði:GuðjonR er að fara að hætta að drekka
Ég drekk ekki...
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Alveg eins og hann sagði
FriðrikH skrifaði:Ég set nú mjög stórt spurningamerki við þessa síðu,
á forsíðunni birtist þetta m.a.:
"CO2 is a truly wondrous chemical substance absolutely essential for life. It is the Yin to the Yang of Oxygen" Hvernig er Súrefni (O) andvægið (eða hvað sem þú vilt kalla "the Yin to the Yang") við efnasamband sjálfs síns (súrefnis) og kolefnis???
Mér sýnanst þetta ekki beint vera ritrýndar greinar sem er verið að birta á þessari síðu.
According to Dr Frank Hill, associate director of the US National Solar Observatory’s (NSO) Solar Synoptic Network, evidence from three sources suggest that the sun may be headed for a lengthy period of slowing activity
In June at the annual meeting of the Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), it was announced that studies suggest that the next solar sunspot cycle, due to begin in 2019, “will be greatly reduced or may not happen at all.
White House science czar John Holdren has predicted 1 billion people will die in “carbon-dioxide induced famines” in a coming new ice age by 2020.
Even though the Sun has been active recently as it heads towards solar maximum in 2013, there are three lines of evidence pointing to a solar cycle that may be going on hiatus. They are: a missing jet stream, slower activity near the poles of the sun and a weakening magnetic field, meaning fading sunspots. Hill, along with Dr. Richard Altrock from the Air Force Research Laboratory and Dr. Matt Penn from the National Solar Observatory independently studied the different aspects of the solar interior, the visible surface, and the corona and all concur that cycle 25, will be greatly reduced or may not happen at all.