Pósturaf Zpand3x » Mið 24. Nóv 2010 15:49
http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/66587 það er búið að patch-a öll version af leiknum þannig hann breytist helling þó maður kaupi ekki hina leikina.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/1191652Það er búið að taka út fullt af lvl 1-60 questum og setja ný í staðinn.
adventurers will be summoned to embark on new quests from levels 1 to 60 in these transformed territories -- and with so much new content to be found on these original two continents, many original quests will no longer be available after the shattering occurs. These quests will automatically be removed from your quest log, while any quests you’ve accepted that still exist in Azeroth will remain in your log.
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