Silicon Image has developed an audio solution that is fully backwards compatible with the DVI
standard. It is called DVI-Audio and it and it has the bandwidth to support anything from two
channel digital stereo transmitted to HDTV, to 8 channel digital audio or DVD-Audio transmitted to
an A/V receiver. This clever solution works by embedding the audio signal into the clock signal.
DVI-Audio takes advantage of Transition Minimized Differential Signaling (TMDS) ability to
modulate the position of the falling edge of the clock to send 1 bit of data during each clock cycle,
without affecting the functionality of the display device and without the need of software drivers.
Through this process, a minimum of 25 Mbps can be sent. That is enough bandwidth to support
existing digital audio standards with leftover capacity to support future standards. When
transmitting HDTV resolutions, this capacity is extended to 74.5 Mbps to enable multiple digital
audio channels, well in excess of today’s audio technology.
Hljóð var aldrei partur af upprunalega staðlinum en hefur hinsvegar verið bætt inn nýlega og því oftar en ekki, ekki partur af hlutum sem fólk er að nota. Svo það má með sanni segja að ef fólk spyr hvort það geti fengið hljóð útur DVI tenginu sínu þá sé staðlaða svarið NEi en það sé möglega hægt ef búnaðurinn styðji það bæði út og inngangurinn.