Gömul Shuttle XPC AMD SN41G2 til sölu!
Er að selja Shuttle XPC AMD SN41G2 Barebone.
Þetta er bara kassi, powersupply, móðurborð með skjákorti, kælingu og öllum snúrum.
Semsagt vantar Örgjörva, minni og harðann disk.
Mini-Aluminium-Barebone-System with Socket A
Supports Athlon XP/Duron with 200/266/333FSB
SN41G2V2 also 400FSB
Chipset: nVidia nForce2 (Crush 18G)
Low noise ICE-Heatpipe-Cooling
1x AGP (8X), 1x PCI (for simultaneous use)
2x DDR400*/333/266/200, 6x USB 2.0
6-Channel-Audio, LAN, Firewire and much more.
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[Selt] Gömul Shuttle XPC AMD SN41G2 til sölu!
[Selt] Gömul Shuttle XPC AMD SN41G2 til sölu!
Síðast breytt af uno á Sun 13. Sep 2009 23:54, breytt samtals 1 sinni.