ertu að segja mér að í samanburði við NT3 sem kom út í júlí 1993, hafi Windows ME verið gott stýrikerfi? Hvað þá í samanburði við NT3.5, sem kom haustið 1994 eða NT4 sem kom út í júlí 1996.
Fyrir utan það að Windows ME kom út í miðjum september 2000, þegar NT5 var búið að vera á markaði í rúma 7 mánuði.
jú. ég ætla að leifa mér að segja að þetta stýrikerfi hafi verið löngu úrelt þegar það kom út. Sama með Windows98SE.
Microsoft's removal of non-plug-and-play drivers on the Windows Me installation CD led to further confusion when many older modems, soundcards and network cards appeared not to be supported as they were after a Windows 98 installation. [2] In many cases, this could be remedied by manually installing the proper driver(s). However, not all hardware vendors provided proper Me compatible drivers, especially for older hardware, which increased Me's reputation as a problem OS.
In 2006, PCWorld declared Windows Me the fourth "Worst Tech Product of All Time" (after AOL, RealPlayer, and Syncronys SoftRAM) [1] because of its technical issues.
System Restore could slow the computer's performance if it chose to checkpoint the system while a user was using it, and since its method of keeping track of changes was fairly simplistic, it sometimes ended up restoring a virus which the user had previously removed.
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