7800GT Dual vs 7900GT
- Staða: Ótengdur
- Vélbúnaðarníðingur
- Póstar: 358
- Skráði sig: Lau 22. Jan 2005 16:03
- Reputation: 2
- Staðsetning: 200 Kóp
- Staða: Ótengdur
ÓmarSmith skrifaði:Rangt
7900Gt er alveg hraðara en 7800GTX.
Munar ekki ýkja miklu en það er sjánlegur og mælanlegur munur.
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Tja, já reyndar, en pointið var aðallega að 2x 7800gt ættu samt að slá þeim báðum við (og þannig vera betri kostur ef miðað er við sama/svipað verð). En það er alveg rétt að 7900gt er yfirleitt oggulítið hraðara (skilst reyndar að minnið á 7900gt sé með örlítið hærra latency þó það keyri á fleiri megahertzum, sem útskýrir þennan hraðamun sem Hilmar linkar í).
- Vélbúnaðarníðingur
- Póstar: 366
- Skráði sig: Fös 07. Apr 2006 19:25
- Reputation: 0
- Staðsetning: Gbr
- Hafðu samband:
- Staða: Ótengdur
Fetzer skrifaði:eg er með svona 7800 gtx og .. gæti eg tengt saman 7800 gtx og 7900 gt kort? eg er með mobo sem höndlar það? passar þetta saman eða
ef thau stidja bædi sli thá gengur thad alveg upp, held ég allavega
- asus a8n-sli - amd 3700@2.7ghz - watercooled - sparkle 7800gtx - g-skill 2x1gb ddr500 cl3 - 250gb - 22" acer -
Can I mix and match graphics cards?
In order to provide optimal symmetric scaling, SLI technology requires the NVIDIA GPUs to match. For example, a GeForce 7800 GTX must be paired with another GeForce 7800 GTX. Likewise, a GeForce 6600 GT must be paired with another GeForce 6600 GT. However, using the latest Release 80 or later graphics drivers, NVIDIA GPUs sold by different manufacturers can be used together in an SLI configuration. For example, a GeForce 7800 GT from vendor ABC can be matched with a GeForce 7800 GT from vendor XYZ.
Can I mix and match graphics cards with different sizes of memory?
While it is not recommended, NVIDIA does offer this flexibility using Coolbits. When purchasing a second graphics card, you should try to match the memory size so that you are ensured full value and performance from your purchase. For example, if your first card is a GeForce 6600 GT with 128MB of memory, you should purchase a second GeForce 6600 GT with 128MB of memory. However, using Coolbits (value set to 18), you can force both of the cards to use the lower of the two memory sizes and operate together in SLI mode. When dissimilar memory sizes are enabled to work together using Coolbits, the effective memory size for each card becomes the smaller of the two memory sizes.
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In order to provide optimal symmetric scaling, SLI technology requires the NVIDIA GPUs to match. For example, a GeForce 7800 GTX must be paired with another GeForce 7800 GTX. Likewise, a GeForce 6600 GT must be paired with another GeForce 6600 GT. However, using the latest Release 80 or later graphics drivers, NVIDIA GPUs sold by different manufacturers can be used together in an SLI configuration. For example, a GeForce 7800 GT from vendor ABC can be matched with a GeForce 7800 GT from vendor XYZ.
Can I mix and match graphics cards with different sizes of memory?
While it is not recommended, NVIDIA does offer this flexibility using Coolbits. When purchasing a second graphics card, you should try to match the memory size so that you are ensured full value and performance from your purchase. For example, if your first card is a GeForce 6600 GT with 128MB of memory, you should purchase a second GeForce 6600 GT with 128MB of memory. However, using Coolbits (value set to 18), you can force both of the cards to use the lower of the two memory sizes and operate together in SLI mode. When dissimilar memory sizes are enabled to work together using Coolbits, the effective memory size for each card becomes the smaller of the two memory sizes.
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AMD64 3800+ | 1GB Kingston | Gigabyte 7600GT 256MB