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Google neyðist til að selja Chrome?

Sent: Fös 22. Nóv 2024 22:26
af kizi86
https://eu.usatoday.com/story/tech/2024 ... 454531007/

he U.S. Department of Justice aims to force the sale of Google Chrome, which could fetch as much as $20 billion if a federal judge agrees to the browser's sale, Bloomberg reported, a potentially huge blow to the world's second-largest technology company.

The fate of the Chrome browser owned by Alphabet Inc., the parent holding company of Google, is in the hands of U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, who ruled in August that Google illegally monopolized the search market, according to the memorandum opinion obtained by USA TODAY.

jæja Google Royally fuckd, neyðast til að selja Chrome, og jafnvel Android líka, og ef þeir eiga að halda Android, þá þurfa þeir að gangast undir mjöööög svo þrengjandi skilyrði... þetta verður eitthvað, þe ef dómarinn samþykkir kröfu dómsmálaráðuneytisins