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Debit kort og Binance ( Byrjandaveski ? )

Sent: Fös 26. Feb 2021 16:10
af Cozmic
Hafa eitthverjir reynslu á að kaupa btc hjá Binance ? Gerði mig verified reyndar er heimilisfang pending og það kemur bara transaction failed.

Annars hvað mæla menn með fyrir byrjendur sem vilja tradea ?

Re: Debit kort og Binance ( Byrjandaveski ? )

Sent: Fös 26. Feb 2021 22:52
af ComputerSaysNo
If you enter Icelandic Credit/Debit card it will show a message of unsupported country, therefor I use Bank transfer (SEPA/International) for Binance in EUR (it usually takes 1 to 3 days until it shows up in your Spot Wallet), you can also buy crypto from wallets such as TrustWallet and SafePal with their 3rd party providers, there are hidden transfer fees from the network with those providers, so you won't get really the full amount that you have ordered.