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Fræðluefni - Heimildarmyndir - Ráðstefnuvídeó

Sent: Mið 30. Júl 2014 16:28
af Stuffz
Ég hef lengi verið áhugamaður um gott aðgengi fólks að fróðleik og upplýsingum (Fair use + Public Education) svo mér datt í hug að deila nokkrum almennt þekktum og líka minna þekktum stöðum sem ég þekki þar sem slíkur fróðleikur er til staðar, og hvetja aðra til að deila þeim stöðum sem þeir vita um hérna líka.

Edit: smella á Nafnið til að heimsækja viðkomandi stað.


Einn af stærstu ef ekki stærsti Jafningjanetshópur sem sérhæfir sig fræðsluefni, stofnað 2002.

MVGroup is a BitTorrent tracker and file sharing community that specializes in the distribution of educational media, especially documentaries. MVGroup was established in 2002 [2] by "Merrin" and "DarkRain" (Vittorio in those days, hence MVGroup) as a DVD-ripping-and-distributing group for the eDonkey file-sharing network, and the group continues to distribute DVD rips and TV rips on both eDonkey and BitTorrent. It has continued functioning since its establishment except for a short-lived April 2008 outage caused by an error from an anti-piracy group.



Ráðstefna sem haldin er af Chaos Computer Club sem er blandaður hópur siðferðilegra-hakkara, yfirvaldsaðhaldssinna, upplýsingafrelsissinna, lífsskoðunar, mannréttinda og heimspekisinna ásamt fjölmargra annarra hópa, stofnað 1984 í Þýskalandi.

The Chaos Communication Congress is an annual meeting of the international hacker scene, organized by the Chaos Computer Club. The congress features a variety of lectures and workshops on technical and political issues. The event takes place regularly at the end of the year since 1984, with the current date and duration (December 27–30) established in 2005.

The congress started out in 1984 in Hamburg, moved to Berlin in 1998, and back to Hamburg in 2012, having exceeded the capacity of the Berlin venue with more than 4500 attendees. Since then, the meetings in the considerably larger venue in Hamburg continue to attract an increasing number of people, around 6,600 attendees in 2012 and most recently more than 9,000 in 2013.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_Comm ... n_Congress


Síða með um 3000 Heimildarmyndum sem horfa má á á síðunni, þeir eru líka með tengla á t.d. amazon þar sem hægt er að kaupa viðkomandi fræðsluefni.

Documentary Films.

The content here is created with a passion for documentary films, the site is in open form and it is allowing readers to add comments about documentary films they like or dislike.

TDF offers full watchable documentaries in hope to provide a valuable resource to those with an interest in documentary films and to help independent documentary filmmakers and festival coordinators promote their films and events.



Blandaður vettvangur fyrir útbrunna pólitíkusa, milljarðamæringa, uppistandara, aðgerðasinna, trúarleiðtoga, tónlistamenn og líka hönnuði, heimsspekingar, vísindamenn, uppfinningamenn o.s.f til að halda stuttar kynningar á málefnum sem þeir láta sig varða, mörg góð uppistönd en hefur m.a. verið gagnrýnt fyrir elítisma. Stofnað 1984 í Californíu.

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a global set of conferences owned by the private non-profit Sapling Foundation, under the slogan: "Ideas Worth Spreading".

Sarah Lacy of BusinessWeek and TechCrunch claimed TED was elitist, on the basis of $6,000 ticket price for in-person attendees, poor treatment of less important attendees, and a friend being "de-invited to TED after quitting an ostensibly prestigious San Francisco job.

Nassim Taleb called TED a "monstrosity that turns scientists and thinkers into low-level entertainers, like circus performers." He claimed TED curators did not initially post his talk "warning about the financial crisis" on their website on purely cosmetic grounds.

According to UC San Diego Professor Benjamin Bratton, TED talks efforts at fostering progress in socio-economics, science, philosophy and technology have been ineffective. Chris Anderson responded that some critics have a misconception of TED's goals.


Re: Fræðluefni - Heimildarmyndir - Ráðstefnuvídeó

Sent: Fim 31. Júl 2014 11:58
af capteinninn

Vefsíða sem er með fyrirlestra frá allskonar aðilum útum allan heim.
Miklu opnara en gæðin ekki alveg jafn góð og á Ted fyrirlestrunum enda er þetta bara mish mash héðan og þaðan úr heiminum.

Sumt þarna inni kostar en langflest gerir það ekki.


Re: Fræðluefni - Heimildarmyndir - Ráðstefnuvídeó

Sent: Fim 31. Júl 2014 13:30
af Hjaltiatla
Open Culture - 1000 Free Online Courses from Top Universities http://www.openculture.com/freeonlinecourses

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Re: Fræðluefni - Heimildarmyndir - Ráðstefnuvídeó

Sent: Lau 02. Ágú 2014 14:24
af Stuffz
þetta er áhugavert efni
