Enhet, operativsystem og skjermkort:
Ved utforming av trusselbrevet er det benyttet Windows pc, med operativsystem Windows 10 eller 8. PC-en har hatt et integrert skjermkort, Intel HD Graphics 630.
Frétt nrk.no
Frétt DV.is
Enhet, operativsystem og skjermkort:
Ved utforming av trusselbrevet er det benyttet Windows pc, med operativsystem Windows 10 eller 8. PC-en har hatt et integrert skjermkort, Intel HD Graphics 630.
Most cheaper printers (esp. on Windows) use the GDI protocol for printing. These printers only know how to print rasterised images, so the document is rasterised by the OS/Print driver and only this final rasterised image is sent to the printer. This is different from higher end PCL/PS printers where the document is translated into a page description language and the printer is (partially) responsible for rasterising the final document for print.
Since Windows uses the GPU to render fonts I wouldn't be surprised if the same code is used to rasterise the fonts for GDI printing.