Pósturaf Climbatiz » Fim 14. Sep 2017 17:13
speedtest gefur mér alveg venjulega eitthvað um 900mbit, þannig ég sé ekki ástæðu til að halda að eitthvað sé að línunni, allavega hvað varðar speedtest
HDD er líklegt skotmark, ég veit hann er orðinn soldið hægur, en samt stundum (mjög örfá skipti) hefur hann verið að uploada gegnum torrent á yfir 20megabyte/sec, þannig ég veit hann getur það, allt hvað varðar systemið eða routerinn ætti að vera default eða optimized hvað varðar open TCP ports (þó minnir mig að aðeins WinXP hafði það vandamál), excuse the english but it's easier for me, but don't bother asking me simpleton questions, i have no idea what's wrong, i've looked and looked and i see nothing wrong, only possible thing i can think of that it's the HDD, but if i'm downloading at 20MB/s and uploading at 2MB/s and then i finished downloading and my upload is now less than 1MB/s and never goes higher... wtf! i understand everything about torrents and seeds and everything but it just doesn't make any sense that this shit happens ALL THE TIME, surely sometimes i'm the only seed or person with more data than the rest and therefor would upload at 20MB/s or higher, surely my HDD can support uploading at those speeds as it can downloading at those speeds... like it said, it doesn't make any sense to me, i've even asked likeminded users here in this thread to tell me their expierences with upload speeds on torrents with Hringdu but i didn't get any responses so therefor i have no idea what their experiences are, to me well i see no reason to have a 1gbit line when i'm only using 1% of it 24/7% of the time
ef ég skrifa kb þá meina ég kilobyte!!!