worghal skrifaði:ég ætla ekki að þykjast ver einhver bifvélavirki, en er það ekki oftast með svona að þegar kemur fram kraftleysi að þá er það túrbínan?
þær eru margar smurðar með vélarolíunni og ef þjöppuhjólið er ekki að snúast jafn vel af því að olían kemst ekki að (lekur út í vélar sal) þannig að það slær allt afl af.
Öll input vel þegin! .... túrbínan gæti vel verið vandamálið. EGR ventilinn gæti líka verið það eða eitthvað annað. Rökréttast kannski að skoða fyrst það sem grunsamlegast, þ.e. ef maður sér olíusmit. Laga það og sjá hvert það tekur mann, hvort það lagi vandamálið eða hvort það er enn til staðar.
Glóðarkertin eru jú bara fyrir startið, en í eitt skiptið þá gekk ekkert að starta, kannski hefði hann farið í gang með nýjum glóðarkertum. Bíllinn ekinn 251k á original kertunum. Þannig að ég byrja á því einfalda og á því sem ég get gert. Að skipta um þau. Svo spurði ég chatGTP og fékk áhugavert svar.
Spurningin mín:
I can see black, dirty oil on the top of the engine block where diesel injector number three is. Could there be a loose diesel injector?Svarið sem ég fékk:
Yes, black dirty oil around the area of diesel injector number three could indicate a leaking or loose injector. Diesel injector leaks can cause several issues, including power loss and rough engine performance. Here’s how you can diagnose and address this problem:
Potential Issues with a Leaking Diesel Injector:1.
Injector Seal Leak: The seal or copper washer at the base of the injector could be damaged or not properly seated, leading to leakage.
Injector Hold-Down Clamp: The clamp that holds the injector in place could be loose or not torqued to the correct specification.
Injector Body Leak: The injector itself could be cracked or damaged, causing fuel or combustion gases to leak.
Symptoms of a Leaking Injector:-
Black Carbon Deposits: Accumulation of black carbon deposits or dirty oil around the injector area.
Power Loss: Loss of power, especially noticeable under load or in higher gears.
Rough Idle: Engine may run roughly or have an uneven idle.
Fuel Smell: Strong smell of diesel fuel around the engine bay.
Steps to Diagnose and Fix:1.
Visual Inspection: - Inspect the area around injector number three for any signs of leakage or black carbon deposits.
- Check the injector hold-down clamp for proper torque and tightness.
Listen for Leaks: - With the engine running, listen closely around the injector for any hissing sounds that may indicate a compression leak.
Clean the Area: - Clean the area around the injector thoroughly to ensure you can accurately identify the source of the leak.
Check Injector Seals: - Remove the injector and inspect the copper washer and O-rings for damage. Replace them if necessary.
- Ensure the injector seat in the cylinder head is clean and free of debris.
Reinstall the Injector: - Reinstall the injector with a new copper washer and O-rings if replaced.
- Torque the injector hold-down clamp to the manufacturer's specifications.
Run the Engine and Monitor: - Start the engine and check for any signs of leakage around the injector.
- Monitor engine performance to see if the power loss issue is resolved.
When to Seek Professional Help:- If you’re not comfortable performing the inspection or repairs yourself.
- If the problem persists after addressing the injector leak.
Properly sealing the diesel injector and ensuring it is securely fastened should help resolve the issue of power loss and improve overall engine performance. If left unchecked, a leaking injector can cause more significant engine damage over time.