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Sent: Mán 09. Jan 2017 19:07
af Bursti

Re: TS Eve accountar

Sent: Þri 10. Jan 2017 03:56
af AsgeirM81
Mæli með því að þú lesir þetta https://community.eveonline.com/support/policies/eve-eula-en/, þá sérstaklega:

B. Selling Items and Objects

You may not transfer, sell or auction, or buy or accept any offer to transfer, sell or auction (or offer to do any of the foregoing), any content appearing within the Game environment, including without limitation characters, character attributes, items, currency, and objects, other than via a permitted Character Transfer as described in section 3 above. You may not encourage or induce any other person to participate in such a prohibited transaction. You may not use, transfer or assign any game assets for games of chance operated by third parties. The buying, selling or auctioning (or any attempt at doing so) of characters, character attributes, items, currency, or objects, whether through online auctions, newsgroups, postings on message boards or any other means is prohibited by the EULA and a violation of CCP's proprietary rights in the Game.

Re: TS Eve accountar

Sent: Fös 13. Jan 2017 14:36
af Bursti

Re: TS Eve accountar

Sent: Fös 13. Jan 2017 16:02
af fantis
/r/madlads 8-[

Re: TS Eve accountar

Sent: Fös 13. Jan 2017 17:25
af HulKSmasH
Heyrðu erum við með Eve löggu hérna ;)

Re: Eyða

Sent: Sun 16. Apr 2017 11:55
af GuðjónR
Óheimilt er að eyða upprunalegu innihaldi bréfa eða titlum þeirra.
„Breyta“ takkinn er til þess að leiðrétta bréf eða bæta við þau. Bannað er að breyta innihaldi eða tiltum bréfa í „Eyða“ eða „Má eyða“, það má setja [Selt] eða [Hætt við sölu] fyrir framan titil eða bæta við bréfið. Við brot á þessari reglu fær notandi aðvörun, við ítrekuð verður notandi bannaður.
