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WTT 80 Belf rogue Mjöög vel gearaður pvp og pve !!!

Sent: Mán 19. Okt 2009 17:58
af Fluffyrabbit
Hello there :)

I have got lvl 80 Bloodelf Male Rogue on PvP realm.
He has got good pve gear and PvP gear ( Thou the pvp gear aint full yet ).
He has got Epic Flyer and the Flyer u can get in zangramansh that costs 1900g. :)

PvE gear : 4100 AP unbuffed . Got Darkmoonfair : Greatness :) Fully epic ofc with epic achievment.
The weapons are : Calmitys grasp , Sinister revenge , Webbed death,black knights rondel.
He has got weapons for all speccs.

He has only got 600 resilience in pvp gear but still doing KICK ASS in pvp :)
PvP gear is deadly, furious and some pve items in it. But its really good.

Now little bit informations about what the rogue has like Titles , Achievment points and so on :)

Achievment points : 4465

Titles :
Twilight Vanquisher
The argent champion
Champion of the frozen wastes

This char is readdy for every raids currently in the game.

I got All informations including ID. So the informations i got are : Email , Security , CD key, ID photo , Password and account name ofc :)

The account is NOT bnet merged.

I can show in game.

Add me on msn : Durturinn@hotmail.com

More details will be given there and will show you in game.

Open for all offers atm.

Equally geared only! PVP or PvE gear Doesnt matter!

Re: WTT 80 Belf rogue Mjöög vel gearaður pvp og pve !!!

Sent: Þri 22. Des 2009 19:31
af magicgaurinn
uhh lol er vaktin ekki íslensk ?