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Xiaomi Mi Note Pro
Höfundur - /dev/null
- Póstar: 1456
- Skráði sig: Fim 18. Ágú 2011 16:50
- Reputation: 226
- Staðsetning: In the forest
- Staða: Ótengdur
Xiaomi Mi Note Pro
Everyone knows the phrases "time is money" and "money is power". That naturally concludes that time is also power. Time gives you the ability to learn how to do things, but people don't want the power in today's world. They want their time and money.
- Ofur-Nörd
- Póstar: 288
- Skráði sig: Þri 19. Ágú 2014 12:23
- Reputation: 34
- Staða: Ótengdur
Re: Xiaomi Mi Note Pro
Það er fyndið að huawei sé með vörur í sölu á íslandi en ekki xiaomi, þegar xiaomi eru miklu stærri
Höfundur - /dev/null
- Póstar: 1456
- Skráði sig: Fim 18. Ágú 2011 16:50
- Reputation: 226
- Staðsetning: In the forest
- Staða: Ótengdur
Re: Xiaomi Mi Note Pro
Það kemur reyndar fram að Xiaomi er að brjóta svo mörg höfundarvarin leyfi í USA að þeir setji þennan síma líklega aldrei á markað þar.
Everyone knows the phrases "time is money" and "money is power". That naturally concludes that time is also power. Time gives you the ability to learn how to do things, but people don't want the power in today's world. They want their time and money.
- Ofur-Nörd
- Póstar: 288
- Skráði sig: Þri 19. Ágú 2014 12:23
- Reputation: 34
- Staða: Ótengdur
Höfundur - /dev/null
- Póstar: 1456
- Skráði sig: Fim 18. Ágú 2011 16:50
- Reputation: 226
- Staðsetning: In the forest
- Staða: Ótengdur
Re: Xiaomi Mi Note Pro
"potential of lawsuits over intellectual property from Apple and Microsoft"
Hugverk eða
Hugverk eða
Everyone knows the phrases "time is money" and "money is power". That naturally concludes that time is also power. Time gives you the ability to learn how to do things, but people don't want the power in today's world. They want their time and money.