Pinnacle VS Kworld VS JETWAY
Sent: Fös 19. Des 2003 15:41
Hi everyone,
This is my first post here looking for some advice. I hope you don't mind me writting in English, for my Icelandic is too weak for writting.
Well, I'm simply planning to get myself a TV-card to use for ...well I'm sure you can guess what .There are currently three different budget cards on the market ranging around the same price :
1. Pinnacle PCTV RAVE @ Tölvuvirkni
2. Kworld TV-Tuner card Pro, frábær gæði, MPEG 1og 2, útvarp og fjarstýring @ Tölvulistinn
3. JETWAY TV 787 MPEG fyrir PAL BG með textavarp og fjarstýringu @
So which one should I go for? If you have any experience with any of these cards (especially the last two), the quality of their output and compatibilty with different TV software (K!TV, Dscaler...etc.), please don't hesitate to share it here. TIA
This is my first post here looking for some advice. I hope you don't mind me writting in English, for my Icelandic is too weak for writting.
Well, I'm simply planning to get myself a TV-card to use for ...well I'm sure you can guess what .There are currently three different budget cards on the market ranging around the same price :
1. Pinnacle PCTV RAVE @ Tölvuvirkni
2. Kworld TV-Tuner card Pro, frábær gæði, MPEG 1og 2, útvarp og fjarstýring @ Tölvulistinn
3. JETWAY TV 787 MPEG fyrir PAL BG með textavarp og fjarstýringu @
So which one should I go for? If you have any experience with any of these cards (especially the last two), the quality of their output and compatibilty with different TV software (K!TV, Dscaler...etc.), please don't hesitate to share it here. TIA