ICM skrifaði:gnarr.. Crystalizer gerir miklu meira en að vera bara expander
Þótt þú sért á móti Creative þá skaltu reyna þetta sjálfur áður, þetta er ekki ALLT marketing BS sem stendur um X-Fi þótt þeir hafi gengið of langt að tala um að breyta MP3 í betri en CD gæði.
ég hef ekkert á móti creative, hef aldrei nokkurntíman sagt það.
Hinsvegar hefur það sem ég hef lesið um Crystalizer bókstaflega sagt að þetta sé í rauninni ekkert meira en fanzy pants expander.
The principle is simple, the more you increase the 24 bit Crystalizer level, the more it accentuates passages that seem to need it. “Improved” passages are chosen by the algorithm, which possess a specific analysing system developed by Creative Labs. They tempted to identify what MP3 or audio CD reproduction could lack compared to studio recording. The Crystalizer accentuates some parts to provide a more dynamic sound. We observed gains for percussion sounds (clearer) and for basses (tauter).
This technology is dished up under the sauce of expanding the dynamic range of 16-bit records to 24 bit due to some smart record analysis and bringing them back to details, lost at the conversion processes, and making up for the compromises, appearing at the mastering stage.
Creative's advertisement says that Crystalizer expands dynamic range of 16 bit records to 24 bit.
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