Óska eftir 2.5" SATA HDD 250GB eða stærri
Sent: Fim 18. Jún 2015 15:09
af frr
Mig vantar harðan disk, helst 320GB eða stærri í gamla fartölvu. 250GB gæti komið til greina, en ekki minni.
Re: Óska eftir 2.5" SATA HDD 250GB eða stærri
Sent: Mið 24. Jún 2015 16:25
af methylman
Seagate 500GB Momentus XT Solid State Hybrid Hard Drive er með eitt stk. af þessu til sölu
Seagate's Momentus XT is a 2.5" notebook drive of a half-Terabyte in capacity that stands out from the crowd because it contains 4GB of SLC NAND flash. The NAND flash is used as sort of a 'fast access repository' to store commonly used data, though at 4GB, the SSD portion of this hybrid drive accounts for only 0.8% of its total storage capacity.