gamalt agp skjákort
- Kerfisstjóri
- Póstar: 1270
- Skráði sig: Fös 17. Okt 2003 21:44
- Reputation: 143
- Staðsetning: Fyrir framan bílinn með blikkandi blá ljós.
- Staða: Ótengdur
Re: gamalt agp skjákort
Powercolor ATI 9800 SE
Imba Zalman kæling fylgir með
3 þús!
The softmod enables the four disabled rendering pipelines in the GPU core of Radeon 9500 Non-Pro/9800 SE cards. Patched drivers for Catalyst 3.10 and later also enable overclocking for all Radeon 9000/9200/9550/9600 based cards.
GSM 6900190
101 Rvk
Imba Zalman kæling fylgir með
3 þús!
The softmod enables the four disabled rendering pipelines in the GPU core of Radeon 9500 Non-Pro/9800 SE cards. Patched drivers for Catalyst 3.10 and later also enable overclocking for all Radeon 9000/9200/9550/9600 based cards.
GSM 6900190
101 Rvk
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