Myndavélarnar ykkar eru ónýtar!
Sent: Þri 05. Mar 2013 14:13
Tölvu og tækniáhuga samfélagið.
Gets skrifaði:Ég á þrjár og allar í fínu lagi !
tlord skrifaði:
The sensor itself is only about 1920 x 1080 (based on the pixel size), so you’re not ever going to get that resolution in color thanks to debayering, and therefore it would fall somewhere between the better DSLRs and cameras like the C300 in terms of resolving a clean 1080.
Even though there would be some technical hurdles, and probably quite a bit of cost, a 3-CMOS camera using this sensor would resolve a perfect 1080p while at the same time literally being able to see in the dark. Focusing with a full-frame sensor isn’t easy, but there are so many applications that could benefit from this type of flexibility besides just astronomy and security cameras. I could see news organizations or a documentary utilizing this sensor to take their cameras into places where they can’t use any lights or draw attention to themselves, but they want to capture the action clearly and crisply. You have so much light sensitivity that you could even shoot stopped down to f/5.6 or f/8 and still get tremendous low-light performance while keeping things in focus.