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Carrier IQ

Sent: Fim 24. Nóv 2011 01:58
af Haxdal
Vita Vaktarar af þessu apparati í Android símunum ?

Carrier IQ is able to query any metric from a device. A metric can be a dropped call because of lack of service. The scope of the word metric is very broad though, including device type, such as manufacturer and model, available memory and battery life, the type of applications resident on the device, the geographical location of the device, the end user’s pressing of keys on the device, usage history of the device, including those that characterize a user’s interaction with a device.


Carrier IQ as a platform is designed to collect "metrics" at any scale. What I found it to hook into is far beyond the scope of anything a carrier needs - or should want - to be collecting. Carrier IQ sits in the middle of, and "checks" the data of, SMS and MMS messages. It listens for and receives every battery change notifications. It hooks into every web page you view, and every XML file your device reads. It receives every press of the touch screen. It 'sees' what you type on the physical keyboard. It reads every number you press in the dialer. It can track which applications you use, what 'type' they are, how often, and for how long. It hooks into data sent and received.


Ætli þetta sé í Android símum sem eru seldir hérna á klakanum?, ég hef ekki ennþá lagt í að customizea galaxyinn minn svo hann er pretty much bara stock en ég gat allavega ekki séð þetta service runnandi sem k0nane talar um (During every boot, this service is launched - you can see it in Settings > Applications > Running Services as "IQAgent Service".) en það er lítið að marka þar sem þetta er rootkit og hægt er að cloaka þetta apparat. Einhverjir fróðari Androidarar hérna sem vita eitthvað meira um þetta?