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Munurinn á XP Home og Pro

Sent: Þri 01. Feb 2005 15:46
af gnarr
Ég hef oft verið að spá í þessu :) ég hafði bara heyrt um Remote Desktop og Multi Processor muninn. Fínt að vita þetta.

Ef þið vitið um fleiri hluti, endilega póstið þeim hérna.

    Backup—XP Pro has the standard Win2K backup program; XP Home has no backup program.
    Dynamic Disks—XP Pro supports dynamic disks; XP Home doesn't.
    IIS—XP Pro includes IIS; XP Home doesn't.
    Encrypted File System (EFS)—EFS debuted in Win2K and lets you encrypt files on an NTFS partition, a very useful feature for mobile machines. XP Pro includes EFS; XP Home doesn't.
    Multiple Monitors—XP Pro supports up to nine monitors; XP Home supports only one monitor (Windows Me/Win98 supported multiple monitors).
    Multiprocessor—XP Pro supports up to two processors; XP Home supports only one (as did Windows Me/Win98).
    Remote Assistance—Both editions support Remote Assistance, which lets someone from a Help desk connect to the client desktop to troubleshoot problems.
    Remote Desktop—XP Pro adds to Remote Assistance by letting any machine running a Terminal Services client run one Terminal Services session against an XP Pro machine.
    Domain Membership—XP Pro systems can be domain members; XP Home systems can't, but they can access domain resources.
    Group Policy—XP Pro supports group policies; XP Home doesn't.
    IntelliMirror—XP Pro supports IntelliMirror, which includes Microsoft Remote Installation Services (RIS), software deployment, and user setting management; XP Home doesn't support IntelliMirror.
    Upgrade from Windows Me/Win98—Both XP Pro and XP Home support this upgrade.
    Upgrade from Win2K/NT—Only XP Pro supports this upgrade.
    64-bit Support—Only XP Pro will have a 64-bit version that supports the Itanium systems.
    Network Support—XP Pro includes support for Network Monitor, SNMP, IP Security (IPSec), and the Client Services for NetWare (CSNW); XP Home doesn't.

http://www.winnetmag.com/Article/Articl ... 20536.html

Re: Munurinn á XP Home og Pro

Sent: Þri 01. Feb 2005 16:35
af CraZy
gnarr skrifaði:Multiple Monitors?XP Pro supports up to nine monitors; XP Home supports only one monitor (Windows Me/Win98 supported multiple monitors).

ég er með Home samt get ég haft 2 skjái :?

Re: Munurinn á XP Home og Pro

Sent: Þri 01. Feb 2005 17:01
af skipio
CraZy skrifaði:
gnarr skrifaði:Multiple Monitors?XP Pro supports up to nine monitors; XP Home supports only one monitor (Windows Me/Win98 supported multiple monitors).

ég er með Home samt get ég haft 2 skjái :?

Ég held þetta virki í Home þá bara eins og í W2k. Þ.e.a.s. maður getur haft fleiri en einn skjá en Windows lítur á þá sem sama skjáinn þannig að start-barinn fer yfir báða skjáina o.s.frv.

Sent: Þri 01. Feb 2005 18:09
af CraZy
það er eingin stika á hinum skjánum hjá mer nema að ég noti UltraMon :?

Sent: Þri 01. Feb 2005 23:06
af gumol
Spurning hvort þetta sé efni í FAQ?

Sent: Þri 01. Feb 2005 23:37
af MezzUp
gumol skrifaði:Spurning hvort þetta sé efni í FAQ?
Jamm, hljómar vel.
Skulum hafa þetta aðeins lengur hérna ef að menn vilja leggja eitthvað málefnalegt til umræðanna

Sent: Þri 08. Feb 2005 17:32
af GudjonU
Vil bara koma þessu frá mér.

Xp Home er yfir höfuð SORP