Windows update
Sent: Mán 03. Maí 2004 09:09
Alltaf þegar ég ætla að updata gegnum WU þá kmeur þessi skilaboð
Windows Update Error
Windows Update has encountered an error. This may be due to a discrepancy in your computer's time setting.
To check your date and time setting:
1. On the taskbar, double-click the time.
2. Verify that the date and time is correct.
You can also get online support if you are having problems with Windows Update.
Send error number to Microsoft (0x800C0008)
Note This sends error information but does not create a support incident; you may or may not receive a response.
Er búinn að stilla klukkuna mína og búinn að updaita tímann gegnum internet time.
Bara skil ekkert hvað á að gera
Windows Update Error
Windows Update has encountered an error. This may be due to a discrepancy in your computer's time setting.
To check your date and time setting:
1. On the taskbar, double-click the time.
2. Verify that the date and time is correct.
You can also get online support if you are having problems with Windows Update.
Send error number to Microsoft (0x800C0008)
Note This sends error information but does not create a support incident; you may or may not receive a response.
Er búinn að stilla klukkuna mína og búinn að updaita tímann gegnum internet time.
Bara skil ekkert hvað á að gera