er að selja Visual Studio 2008 Professional pakkann
Sent: Fös 04. Júl 2008 14:20
er að selja Visual Studio 2008 Professional pakkann enþá í plastinu og öllu, Söluverð 96þús og yfir enn er að selja þetta á 85þús kallinn
þetta er eintak af öflugasta forritunarumhverfi í heiminum
Deliver high-performance applications
Connect to the data you need, regardless of its location, and build data driven applications using Language Integrated Query (LINQ).
Build great client applications
Develop compelling solutions that leverage the user experience and capabilities of the 2007 Microsoft Office system and Windows Vista®.
Build powerful Web applications
Build rich, interactive applications using the ASP.NET AJAX interactive Web interfaces.
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þetta er eintak af öflugasta forritunarumhverfi í heiminum
Deliver high-performance applications
Connect to the data you need, regardless of its location, and build data driven applications using Language Integrated Query (LINQ).
Build great client applications
Develop compelling solutions that leverage the user experience and capabilities of the 2007 Microsoft Office system and Windows Vista®.
Build powerful Web applications
Build rich, interactive applications using the ASP.NET AJAX interactive Web interfaces.
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