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Sent: Fim 02. Jún 2005 18:34
af Dagur
After many years of development, Nexuiz has been released to the public! Nexuiz is a fast-paced, chaotic, and intense multiplayer first person shooter, focused on providing basic, old style deathmatch. The 1.0 release weighs in at 161MB, and includes 17 maps, 28 playable characters, and 10 music tracks. It is cross-platform, and supports Windows and Linux (x86 and x86_64), with Mac support coming soon (patch to be released in the next few days).

All of Nexuiz is licensed under the GPL, including the core engine, the textures, maps, sounds, and models. It is extremely modder friendly. Because of its GPL license status, it can be included in any Linux distros or packages and is entirely free.

Nexuiz is built on the power of the Darkplaces engine, which is a heavily modified version of the original Quake. Darkplaces features realtime lighting and stencil shadows, bumpmapping, gloss, bloom, and totally rewritten network code that supports up to 64 players on a single server. While quality gameplay was our primary goal, it's graphics technology and artwork allows the game to compete with the current quality of commercial games.

Any online deathmatch fan will instantly feel at home with Nexuiz' weapons and movement style. The fast server browser and quick loading time allows you to jump right into a game at a moments notice and play a quick game.


Sent: Fim 02. Jún 2005 20:13
af gnarr
Arræt! kominn í 32% :)

Sent: Fim 02. Jún 2005 20:47
af gnarr

sjiiiit! þetta var eins og Quake 3 á þreföldum hraða.. maður hittir ekkert og enginn hittir mann...

Sent: Fim 02. Jún 2005 20:54
af Dagur
gnarr skrifaði:AAAAALTOF FOKKIN HRATT!!!

sjiiiit! þetta var eins og Quake 3 á þreföldum hraða.. maður hittir ekkert og enginn hittir mann...

hmm, prófaðiru fleiri en einn server? Þetta var bara á eðlilegum hraða hjá mér.

Sent: Fim 02. Jún 2005 21:24
af gnarr
nei, ég nenti því ekki. slökti bar aá leinkum og henti honum út. mér hefur aldrei þútt svoan deathmatch leikir skemmtilegir.

Sent: Fim 02. Jún 2005 21:29
af SolidFeather
nei, ég nenti því ekki. slökti bar aá leinkum og henti honum út. mér hefur aldrei þútt svoan deathmatch leikir skemmtilegir.

Arg, my brain!

Sent: Fim 02. Jún 2005 22:17
af gnarr
wtf.. ég skrifaði þetta ekki svona... :!: Það hefur einhver breytt þessu :lol:

Sent: Fös 03. Jún 2005 17:04
af tms

Sent: Fös 03. Jún 2005 20:28
af MezzUp
Ithmos skrifaði:http://transpod.geek.is:8888/nexuiz/nexuiz.zip íslenskur host.
Öðlingur ertu!

Sent: Fös 03. Jún 2005 22:36
af arnifa
ágætis leikur...

Sent: Fös 03. Jún 2005 22:47
af Mysingur
hræðilegur leikur
ég var að fá 10fps og hlaupandi um að spraya út í loftið og vonast til að hitta eitthvað :P

Sent: Lau 04. Jún 2005 01:08
af DoRi-
gnarr skrifaði:sjiiiit! þetta var eins og Quake 3 á þreföldum hraða...

kúl, kúl

im gonna like this"i hope" 33%