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War Thunder OPEN BETA

Sent: Sun 12. Maí 2013 15:24
af kizi86

snilldar WWII flight combat MMO

War Thunder is a next generation MMO combat game dedicated to World War II military aviation, armored vehicles, and fleets. You will take part in all of the major combat battles, fighting with real players all over the world.

War Thunder offers a highly detailed and personalized aviation experience, giving players access to hundreds models of planes with detailed cockpits, dozens of upgradeable weapons, and flying skills that can be honed and improved with each mission. Thanks to the game’s painstaking attention to detail, you’ll truly feel like a World War II fighter pilot as you plunge into battle.

The genuine World War II experience isn’t limited to the skies. The massive historical battles featured in War Thunder cannot be fought by aviation alone, so the game will also expose players to combat on land and at sea.
Features include:

Varied PvP-experiences set in full-scale combat missions
Multiple settings options allow advanced virtual pilots and beginners to enjoy playing the game together
Rich PvE content: dynamic campaigns, solo missions, mission editor, and much more for single-player and cooperative gameplay
Impressive diversity includes detailed models of planes and their cockpits, as well as tanks and ships
Astonishing graphics, authentic sound effects, and beautiful music

kizi86 ef þið viljið adda mér :D

Re: War Thunder OPEN BETA

Sent: Sun 12. Maí 2013 16:55
af Baldurmar
Trailerinn á ensku:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... QkU-zNMeVU

Er ekkert voðalega sleipur í rússneskunni

Re: War Thunder OPEN BETA

Sent: Sun 12. Maí 2013 17:08
af Xovius
Svakalega skemmtilegur leikur! Mæli eindregið með honum :)

Re: War Thunder OPEN BETA

Sent: Sun 12. Maí 2013 20:00
af mikkidan97
Snilldar leikur :happy

Re: War Thunder OPEN BETA

Sent: Sun 12. Maí 2013 20:34
af kizi86
hvað er nickið ykkar í leiknum? mitt er kizi86, endilega adda mér sem vini

er í level 6 og rank 8 í usa

Re: War Thunder OPEN BETA

Sent: Sun 12. Maí 2013 20:42
af oskar9

Rank 13
germans lvl 10
Britts lvl 9
Russians lvl 7

Re: War Thunder OPEN BETA

Sent: Sun 12. Maí 2013 20:42
af mikkidan97
Ég heiti Mikkidan er level 6 og rank 5 í Þýskalandi ;)

Re: War Thunder OPEN BETA

Sent: Sun 12. Maí 2013 21:22
af Hamsurd

Re: War Thunder OPEN BETA

Sent: Mið 19. Jún 2013 18:19
af Varasalvi
Í hvert skipti sem ég spila þennan leik er ég alltaf jafn hissa hvað hann er velur gerður miðað við free to play leik. Graffíkin er rosaleg og leikurinn keyrir rosalega vel samt sem áður, og gameplay er frábært. Hann er einfaldur að læra á en samt mjög djúpur.

Mæli með þessum. Það eina slæma sem ég get sagt um hann er að það tekur alveg rosalega langan tíma að ranka upp, sérstaklega ef þú kaupir ekki premium, en ég hef heyrt að það verðir lagað í næstu uppfærslum.

Re: War Thunder OPEN BETA

Sent: Mið 19. Jún 2013 21:20
af gutti
tlaicesniper usa