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Sleeping Dogs

Sent: Mið 27. Jún 2012 13:31
af g0tlife
Búinn að vera skoða nokkuð á netinu/youtube um Sleeping Dogs og var bara að velta því fyrir mér ef einhver hérna heftur verið að spila demo af honum en hann kemur út 17 ágúst á steam.

Hérna er linkur á smá gameplay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jJ_6Wt6ujI

GTA hong kong ?

Re: Sleeping Dogs

Sent: Mið 27. Jún 2012 14:31
af worghal
lookar hræðilega :klessa

Re: Sleeping Dogs

Sent: Mið 27. Jún 2012 14:40
af Frantic
I don't see why this game was cancelled.. players will want something to play before GTA5 is released and it obviously adds a lot more to the open world genre & the game series!
Most of the shit that EA churn out should be cancelled, im glad Square Enix took over the game development and i hope the game is highly successful to make the previous developers cringe and realize how stupid they were..

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Re: Sleeping Dogs

Sent: Mið 27. Jún 2012 15:03
af DJOli
JoiKulp skrifaði:
I don't see why this game was cancelled.. players will want something to play before GTA5 is released and it obviously adds a lot more to the open world genre & the game series!
Most of the shit that EA churn out should be cancelled, im glad Square Enix took over the game development and i hope the game is highly successful to make the previous developers cringe and realize how stupid they were..

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Greinilega bara hálf saga í gangi þarna.

Previously known as True Crime Hong Kong, developed by United Front Games and was to be released by Activision, but Activision cancelled it, luckily for us Square Enix was there, they liked the game and bought the rights to it, of course Activision still holds the True Crime IP, so Square Enix had to change the name to Sleeping Dogs

Re: Sleeping Dogs

Sent: Mið 27. Jún 2012 16:36
af Xovius
JoiKulp skrifaði:
I don't see why this game was cancelled.. players will want something to play before GTA5 is released and it obviously adds a lot more to the open world genre & the game series!
Most of the shit that EA churn out should be cancelled, im glad Square Enix took over the game development and i hope the game is highly successful to make the previous developers cringe and realize how stupid they were..

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