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Starcraft II Beta

Sent: Lau 20. Feb 2010 14:41
af Senko
Her vantar alveg SC2 umraedu! Beta lyklar voru sentir ut fyrir 2 dogum sidan and I was 'one of the lucky ones'. Einhverjir fleiri sem hafa komist inn? Segid mer nu, eg hef sed terran medics i alpha videoum, en wow eg bara er ekki ad finna tha i beta, eru engir medics i beta?

Madur aetti kannski ad googla thetta fyrst hehe

Re: Starcraft II Beta

Sent: Mið 03. Mar 2010 22:02
af Ic4ruz
Neibb, ég komst ekki inn :(

Re: Starcraft II Beta

Sent: Lau 06. Mar 2010 16:51
af Palmarlol
Ég tek enga ábyrgð á eftirfarandi leiðbeiningum. Þetta þrælvirkaði fyrir mig og ég hafði mjög gaman að því að litast aðeins um í leiknum. C/P beint frá félaga mínum af erlendri síðu.

found a way to play it, just follow the steps:

First of all you have to download sc2 beta :http://www.fileshack.com/file.x/1719...ed+Beta+Client
You must install it and fully patch it.

After that you have to put some files into the the sc2 beta folder.
(With 1 file it might say it's a trojan! But that's because of the type of file it is. Don't worry my pc is still 100% fine :p)

Maps: http://depositfiles.com/en/files/gft8kwoab
Launcher: http://depositfiles.com/en/files/y726kza2i
Starcrack: http://x.00.dy.fi/sc2c/StarCrack%20AI%204.0.rar

These are all the files you require. When SC2 is fully installed and patched, put the maps in ur sc2 folder (create new map called "maps" or something, and put them in there)

From the Launcher rar. Just take Lazylaunch.exe and put it in your sc2 folder.

Then pick the mods map out of Starcrack rar, put in in ur sc2 folder and let it replace the existing files. Then you're ready to go
Use the Lazylaunch.exe and browse for a sc2 map (in you "maps" (or somethign similar) folder) select it and the game will load. Maps with (4) in front of it is FFA with 4 players, (2) is one vs one.

All the races are random (so when game start you and ur opponent get random race)
When you are faced against a zerg, the zerg will probably suck ass, if you'd like you can just restart (options>restart).