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Prófið Age of Conan fyrir 1. jan 2010

Sent: Mið 16. Des 2009 23:44
af techseven
Ágætu vaktarar...

Prófið Age of Conan fyrir 1. jan 2010 og fáið "limited unlimited trial" :-k

Það er: trial með engum tímatakmörkunum.

Grein á Tom's: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Conan-MMORPG-PC-Game-Funcom,9266.html#xtor=RSS-181

Trial á heimasíðu framleiðanda: http://www.ageofconan.com/trial/

Ég ætla allavega að tjékka áessu.....

Re: Prófið Age of Conan fyrir 1. jan 2010

Sent: Mið 16. Des 2009 23:52
af Viktor
According to the company, gamers must first create a free account, download the client, and then jump into the MMORPG before January 1, 2010. There's also another catch: the level cap is only 20, so don't expect to conquer the island as a level 100 barbarian. Funcom said that other restrictions apply as well: there's no trading with other players, no in-game mail, no public chat channels, and no posting on the forums.