Er hægt að taka öryggisafrit af ps3 leikjum?


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Póstar: 158
Skráði sig: Fim 26. Jún 2008 16:35
Reputation: 18
Staða: Ótengdur

Er hægt að taka öryggisafrit af ps3 leikjum?

Pósturaf steinarsaem » Mið 04. Mar 2009 18:02

Er einhver leið til að gera afrit af ps3 leikjum, og þarf þá modkubb eins og í ps2/wii ?

Póstar: 330
Skráði sig: Þri 30. Des 2008 21:53
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Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Er hægt að taka öryggisafrit af ps3 leikjum?

Pósturaf benson » Mið 04. Mar 2009 19:42

"öryggisafrit"? :)

Póstar: 956
Skráði sig: Mið 29. Sep 2004 17:36
Reputation: 14
Staðsetning: Babýlon norðursins
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Er hægt að taka öryggisafrit af ps3 leikjum?

Pósturaf Blackened » Mið 04. Mar 2009 19:47

ég hef heyrt það á götunni (sel ekki dýrar en ég keypti) að það sé bara EKKI hægt að modda PS3 vélarnar eins og er hægt að vera við X360.. og þessvegna geti maður ekki gert
"öryggisafrit" af leikjunum í hana..
en eins og ég segi.. nenni ekki að googla það þarsem ég á ekki ps3.. en það er pottþétt ekkert mál að komast að hinu sanna á google ;)


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Skráði sig: Fös 14. Jan 2005 15:46
Reputation: 43
Staðsetning: Við hliðina á nýju tölvunni minni
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Re: Er hægt að taka öryggisafrit af ps3 leikjum?

Pósturaf beatmaster » Fös 06. Mar 2009 00:27 ... -p-68.html

There are currently no PS3 modchips or software hacks available right now.

When there is, we will be the first to offer it of course.

Instead of checking back all the time, you can be notified when PS3 hacking has progressed by clicking the 'Notify me of updates to PS3 modchip' here, or on the right.

As soon as there is a mod, you will get email from us letting you know further details.

Whats the current progress of PS3 (Play Station 3) modchips?

Not much!

Team Infectus have managed to dump the firmware, and reload it (downgrade) using their multi platform development modchip. No one has been able to hack this firmware though, so reloading it back on doesn't do much. The Italian team are tipped to be the first to hack the PS3, time will tell

Another team going by the name of 'team ice' have managed to find some kind of flaw in the way the PS3 handles TIFF images, and have made a TIFF file that make the PS3 crash. Some thought that this would somehow allow code to be run, but this was ages ago - and nothing has come from it yet.

Will it be Legal?

We hope so! Sony have done us all a favor and made the PS3 region free (hooray!). They have not made blu-ray movies region free though, which sucks when you see that the price of Blu-ray movies on Amazon is that same as what aussies pay for DVDs here! There is always the need for homebrew on any console, and even though the PS3 has a heap of features, the community will always do a better job in giving everyone what they want. We can see that with the amazing homebrew that is developed for modified PSPs - features that a normal PSP never have, or features that Sony sometimes implement themselves further down the track.

What type of mod will it be?

Will it be a softmod (software mod) or will there be a physical modchip? The other 2 competing consoles on the market, the Wii and the 360 hack both been hacked in the same way. The DVD drive is tricked into thinking that code run on burnt media is legit. Its fairly low level stuff, especially for the 360, but it can always lead to greater things. If a user wanted to modify their PS3 to play backups of games they own, right now its not really a viable option, even if it where possible. Blu-ray burners are mega expensive (they will go down) and so are blank blu-rays discs. The cost of protecting your original games by making backups is not cost effective when you can buy 'insurance' on your disc from places like EB for $10 or so.

Hopefully it will be a dashboard replacement, just like the PSP. This way you don't loose any of the functionality, and can run everything from an attached harddrive. Hopefully Sony will be nice and not ban people from online functionalities.

The PS3 will eventually be hacked - Sony have just made it mega hard to do so. Sign up, click that notify button and sit back and wait :)


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