Seinkun á HL2 ekki lekanum að kenna.


Póstar: 16479
Skráði sig: Fim 29. Ágú 2002 18:46
Reputation: 2104
Staðsetning: Hérna
Hafðu samband:
Staða: Ótengdur

Seinkun á HL2 ekki lekanum að kenna.

Pósturaf GuðjónR » Fim 09. Okt 2003 19:35

_[ October 8. 2003 ]_____________________________________________
/ \
| |
| Half-Life 2 - Patch 1, fixes old models |
| |
| Company: Valve Corporation ( ) |
| File size: 8 x 15MB |
| Release: Unknown |
/ \
| |
| Well, I forgot to update you with the freshest stuff from |
| Valvesoftware. |
| |
| Detonator-52.13-ANON got leaked today, its the new NVidia |
| drivers for HL2, though i have no fancy video card to test the |
| driver on. |
| |
| Btw., for those of you still thinking -ANON is a group, i have |
| to say it isnt. Its just Anonymous. |
| |
| To all those saying HL2 was delayed because of the hacking |
| action, ill just remind you that what was leaked is what Valve |
| has, nothing more and nothing less, so its pretty good to |
| understand it wasnt finished yet. |
| |
| Also I'd like to point out the E3 was one big fake by Valve. |
| Ever tried to kill that soldier in physicstown ? Notice the |
| door will still get kicked ? No scripted sequences ? |
| |
| To everyone saying this is no Beta: I'd like to point out that |
| THIS is what you wanted Valve to release on 9/30/03, theres no |
| such thing as a much better release in Valves network! |
| |
| To Valve: I suggest you stop lying to your customers about how |
| much was stolen/compromised, or I'll have to release everything |
| just to prove my point. And you know what you got, as I do. |
| |
| - Anonymous leaker |
| |


Póstar: 473
Skráði sig: Fim 26. Sep 2002 20:37
Reputation: 8
Staðsetning: Hef ekki glóru!
Staða: Ótengdur

Pósturaf odinnn » Fim 09. Okt 2003 19:54

hvar fannstu þetta? er þetta heimasíða?

mér fannst dálítið sérstakt "E3 was just a big fake".


Póstar: 2383
Skráði sig: Lau 25. Jan 2003 19:36
Reputation: 0
Staða: Ótengdur

Pósturaf ICM » Fim 09. Okt 2003 20:02

odinnn skrifaði:hvar fannstu þetta? er þetta heimasíða?

mér fannst dálítið sérstakt "E3 was just a big fake".

odinn þetta er búið að vera að tala um þetta útum allt, þjófurinn hefur loksins tjáð sig, allar spjallrásir og forums voru rauðglóandi í dag útaf þessu.


Póstar: 473
Skráði sig: Fim 26. Sep 2002 20:37
Reputation: 8
Staðsetning: Hef ekki glóru!
Staða: Ótengdur

Pósturaf odinnn » Fim 09. Okt 2003 20:18

oohhh ég er greynilega ekki up to date, best að fara inná og update-a :shock:


Póstar: 2249
Skráði sig: Sun 22. Des 2002 17:41
Reputation: 0
Staða: Ótengdur

Pósturaf Voffinn » Fim 09. Okt 2003 22:28

@GuðjónR; Þú hefur ekki séð þetta líka ?

Kóði: Velja allt

            smQQQQQQQQV??"~"    ""??9QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQE  <Wc  3QQQQQc
         awQQQQQWT?^                    ??$QQQQQQQQQQQQQP  <QQQQQQW
       _jQQWQQP?`     ___,,,_,.            "9WQQQQQQQQD! _wWQQQQQQF
     .yQQQQQF         dQQQQQQQm.              "$QQQQ@'  jQQWQQQQQP
    <QWQQQP'          ?TTT$QQQQm,               ]QQQb_______jQQQF
   .mWQQQ!                -$QQQQL                "QWQQWWWWWWQQQ@'
   mQQQQf                  jWQQQQc                -WQQQQQQQQQQE
  ]QQQQ@`                _yQQQQQQQa                +WQQQQQQQQP
  mQQQQf                <QQQQQQQQQQa                $WQQQQQQP
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  WWQQQ[             sQQQQQQF  )QQQQQ,              jQQQQQD`
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  -QQQQQr         _mQQQQQ?      -$QQQQQ, _aa,      jQQQQP
   )WWQQm,       aQQQQQ@'        -$WQQQQQQQQL    .jQQQQ@'
    ]QQQQQ/     jQQQQQY`          -$QQQQQQ@T?   _yQQQQ@'
     ]QQQQQm,                       ?!^        sQQQQQP
      -?QQQQQwa                             _wQWQQQ@'
        )4QQQQWQwc                       _awQQWQQD?
           ?$QQQWWQQwa,             _aamQQQQQQQP'
  _[ October 7. 2003  ]____________________________________________
 /                                                                 \
 |                                                                 |
 | Half-Life 2 - "Chosen 9" release                                |
 |                                                                 |
 | Company: Valve Corporation ( )     |
 | File size: 100 x 15MB                                           |
 | Release: November 2003                                          |
 /                                                                 \
 |                                                                 |
 | Quote from :                     |
 | "There were a ton of rumors the past couple days about the      |
 | existence of a leaked, playable Half-Life 2 beta, but           |
 | thankfully those stories have been confirmed to be completely   |
 | false."                                                         |
 |                                                                 |
 | Well, I hope nobody believed this rumor. Who would actually be  |
 | good enough to get the source, but forget the game ?            |
 |                                                                 |
 | To myg0t: this is too big for you to take credit :P             |
 |                                                                 |
 | - Anonymous leaker                                              |
 |                                                                 |
 /                                                                 \
 |                                                                 |
 | Gordon Freeman is back! Along with scientist Eli Vance and his  |
 | daughter Alyx, your mission is to save the world from total     |
 | alien domination. See, that little incident in Black Mesa was   |
 | just the beginning: now those pesky Xen invaders and a new      |
 | threat called the Combine have spread across the whole Earth,   |
 | causing massive amounts of death and destruction. Its up to    |
 | you to set things right.                                        |
 |                                                                 |
 | +   Scientist-with-a-crowbar Gordon Freeman joins a ragtag      |
 |     human resistance fighting extradimensional invaders for the |
 |     survival of a conquered Earth                               |
 | +   Unnervingly realistic graphics the likes of which have not  |
 |     been witnessed outside of a motion picture or pre-rendered  |
 |     cut scene                                                   |
 | +   Realistic physics: objects have varied and appropriate      |
 |     mass, density, physical properties                          |
 | +   Ingenious artificial intelligence: enemies will adapt,      |
 |     plan, improvise, and respond                                |
 | +   Hordes of new aliens and other enemies, plethora of guns    |
 |     and other weapons                                           |
 |                                                                 |
 | Minimum system requirements:                                    |
 | +   Windows98/2000/Me/XP                                        |
 | +   700 MHz CPU                                                 |
 | +   128 MB RAM                                                  |
 | +   DX6 compatible video card                                   |
 | +   ~3 GB free hdd space                                        |
 |                                                                 |
 | Recommended system requirements:                                |
 | +   Windows98/2000/Me/XP                                        |
 | +   2 GHz CPU                                                   |
 | +   256 MB RAM                                                  |
 | +   DX9 compatible video card                                   |
 | +   ~4 GB free hdd space                                        |
 |                                                                 |
 /                                                                 \
 |                                                                 |
 | Have fun playing, but buy the game, cause this wasnt intended   |
 | to be leaked! After the source leak, there was no reason for    |
 | keeping the beta private.                                       |
 |                                                                 |
 | - Anonymous leaker                                              |
 |                                                                 |

Voffinn has left the building..


Póstar: 403
Skráði sig: Fim 09. Okt 2003 22:38
Reputation: 0
Staðsetning: 600 Akueyri
Hafðu samband:
Staða: Ótengdur

Pósturaf RadoN » Fös 10. Okt 2003 00:35

ég sá þetta, svo sá ég frétt um þetta á CNN, leikurinn er væntanlegur í Apríl 2004 :(