Defiance MMO/TV SHOW


Póstar: 90
Skráði sig: Mán 07. Des 2009 16:57
Reputation: 0
Staðsetning: Reykjanesbær
Staða: Ótengdur

Defiance MMO/TV SHOW

Pósturaf RobertSaedal » Mán 11. Mar 2013 17:34

Ætlaði bara benda á nýjan mmo sem ég rakst á og er bíð spenntur eftir að spila hann.
Þessi leikur er frekar örvísi en flestir mmo.

Q. What is Defiance exactly?
A. Defiance™ is the first multi-platform open world third-person shooter, that in a ground-breaking entertainment experience, interconnects with a global television program on Syfy. The game combines the intense action of a console third-person shooter, with the persistence, scale, and customization of an MMO, while its TV counterpart exudes the scope, story, and drama of a classic sci-fi epic.

Being developed for the PC, Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, Defiance unites the MMORPG and Shooter game genres across the most popular platforms.

The game is being developed by Trion Worlds.

Semsagt hann er frá sömu og gerðu RIFT og Defiance kemur út á PS3, X-box og PC. En sem gerir hann örvísi er að Defiance þættirnir eru tengdu við leikin.
Eins og ég skil þá verður svona ákveðið misson í leiknum sem mun stýra hvernig næsti þátturinn mun vera, eins og það þurfa X mikið að lyf að ferðast milli A til B og eftir 1 dag ef það gegnur ekki þá í þættinum fá þeir ekki lyf. En þetta er bara eins og ég held að hvernig þetta mun virka (ekki mikið komið um þetta),

Tv show á að gerast í San Francisco og leikurinn í ST. Lous.
Q: How does the game link to the show?
A: There will be a lot of element and key moment's that will crossover between the game and the show. As to the details they don't wish to spoil any for us so they are kept secret.

The characters will for example will have tie in's to the game because they will be travel between the two locations of San Francisco and St. Louis aka "Defiance".

Hann verður eins og Guild wars , með buy to play.
Þú verlur á milli 4 "classes" eða EGO powers,
"EGO Power that boosts your movement speed by 50%. While active, your melee attacks deal full damage against shields"
"EGO Power that makes you invisible to enemies for 15 seconds. Cloaking activates immediate shield regeneration."
"EGO Power that sends out a mirror image of you. Press the Power button again to swap places with the decoy."
"EGO Power that increases weapon damage for 10 seconds. When activated, it instantly reloads your current weapon"
og svo í stað Lv þá er perks. hér er linkur á Ego calculator

Eins og er þá eru 2 races Human og Irathient

Það eru 3 hard copy edition og 2 digital edition

Getið skoðað meira hvað fylgir hvað hér
Hann er á steam

Hann er ódýrast í download í en Amazon í hard copy. Ég er búinn að panta Ultimate Edition :evillaugh.
Það er líka hægt að panta season pass á DLC

Veit ekki hvað meira sem ég get sagt um leikinn, mun posta nokkrum fluttum youtube clipum af leikum og þáttunum

endilega spyrjið ef viljið vita e-ð og nennið ekki að leita :nerd_been_up_allnight


Póstar: 90
Skráði sig: Mán 07. Des 2009 16:57
Reputation: 0
Staðsetning: Reykjanesbær
Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Defiance MMO/TV SHOW

Pósturaf RobertSaedal » Mið 13. Mar 2013 23:02

Það er beta March 22nd to March 24th.
hér er að gefa beta keys ef einhver hefur áhuga ... eaway.html

We are proud to announce the third Defiance Beta weekend which will take place on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3! Our Advanced Mission Beta 3 release will be NDA FREE! So feel free to talk about Defiance on our official forums here once Advanced Mission Beta 3 is live!

Note: The Alpha NDA is still in place and content around Alpha will remain under NDA until further notice.

Advance Mission BETA 3 Dates:
PlayStation 3 North America: March 19th 8:00am PDT – March 25th 9:00p, PDT
PlayStation 3 Europe: March 20th 8:00am PDT – March 26th 9:00p, PDT
PC Global: March 22nd 9:00am PDT – March 24th 9:00pm PDT
Xbox 360 Global: March 25th 8:00am PDT – March 26th 9:00pm PDT

The final beta, which is not representative of the final game, will let players explore the Mt. Tam and Madera regions with Co-op battles on Angel Island and the Cronkhite Bunker. For Ark Hunters looking to test their might in some competitive multiplayer action, the Freight yard and Observatory will provide opportunities to prove themselves worthy of Von Bach Industries’ recruitment.

Thanks to a partnership with Dodge, we revealed last week that players pre-ordering Defiance will also get an exclusive in-game red Dodge Challenger at launch, in addition to the previously announced pre-order reward items. The Dodge Challenger is the fastest vehicle in the game and players in the BETA will get to test drive it first by competing in the Dodge time trial challenge located in Madera.

Defiance is scheduled for release April 2, 2013, and is now available for pre-order. If you’re looking for a guaranteed invite to the final BETA you can get your key by pre-ordering now.

Also! PC players can now pre-order their copy of Defiance from Steam here:


Póstar: 6366
Skráði sig: Sun 11. Mar 2007 14:00
Reputation: 454
Staðsetning: fyrir aftan þig
Staða: Tengdur

Re: Defiance MMO/TV SHOW

Pósturaf worghal » Fim 14. Mar 2013 02:13
kóðar sem eru notaðir til að unlocka hlutum í leiknum.

nú er bara að bíða eftir næsta invite sem verður sent út eftir 20. mars og ballið byrjar 22. mars.

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