We comment so everyone can make a well informed purchase or sale. for my self, I have a rule that I never put in a offer on parts when I criticize the pricing, because then It's for self interest and not for fair trade. (we try to also let people know when they are undervaluing when selling but that is less of an issue since the low pricing can often get you a lot of offers and the highest ones usually are usually pretty fair.)
You have all the right to price your hardware at any price, but in the case where you can get new parts, same performance, for the same or less money is really just a lowbrow con (though it can happen accidentally) 160k is really pushing it for a rig with 2 cards that came out in 2016 and 2017 and it's true that the motherboard, cpu, psu, and have some value, but the fact is that any motherboard/cpu combination with a few pcix1 slots will do just as well,
I run 6 cards on an old 955 socked motherboard athlon cpu that I got for a couple of thousand a few months back.
it's true that the market is pretty crazy right now but not quite this bad.
I don't really want to sell this hardware at the moment but because I am bored and I have a flair for the dramatic,
I will sell a rig with the same performance for 130k, TB250-BTC PRO mobo, 850w platnum (or at least gold) PSU, 250gb ssd, G4400 cpu, (does the job for a rig, just uses less power) and 2x rx580 8gb and a couple of pci-risers since running the cards in the 8x and 8x slot configuration isn't practical for expansion and not great for the motherboard when the PCIx16 (x8) slot is the only support for the cards.
now people can find it cheaper