toshiba satellite 2 ára gömul fartölva. HÆÐSTABOÐ! !!
Sent: Þri 22. Feb 2011 17:27
er með þessa toshiba satellite l305 s5961 til sölu kostaði um 110.000 þegar hún var keypt hún er bara svona meðal vel með farinn það eru alveg rispur á bakinu annars virkar hún alveg mjög vel aldrei bilað eða neit svoleiðis. hún er með 300 gb disk það var skipt um hann og kemur ný upp sett með windows 7 til kaupandans.
ATH þessi vél er bara til sölu til 23.02.11 ef hún selst ekki fyrir það mun ég eiga hana bara áfram.
einu skiptinn eru . canon slr myndavélar t.d
Toshiba Satellite L305-S5961 15.4-Inch Laptop is great laptop choice for home, small business and students. The large bright 15.4-inch 1280×800 resolution widescreen display also provides TruBrite technology, which makes images brighter and more vivid thanks to its anti-glare feature. The Toshiba Satellite L305-S5961 offers a launch button for the Express CD/DVD media player and control buttons (play, stop, next, previous) as well as a volume control dial. The 4000 mAH lithium-ion battery pack for extra-long battery life.
Toshiba Satellite L305-S5961 come with a dual-core 2.0 GHz T4200 processor and also includes a 250 GB hard drive, 2 GB DDR2 of RAM (4 GB maximum), Intel GMA 4500M video card with up to 830 MB of shared video RAM, webcam integrated. The Toshiba Satellite L305-S5961 is RoHS-compatible, effectively reducing the environmental impact by restricting the use of lead, mercury and certain other hazardous substances.
ATH þessi vél er bara til sölu til 23.02.11 ef hún selst ekki fyrir það mun ég eiga hana bara áfram.
einu skiptinn eru . canon slr myndavélar t.d
Toshiba Satellite L305-S5961 15.4-Inch Laptop is great laptop choice for home, small business and students. The large bright 15.4-inch 1280×800 resolution widescreen display also provides TruBrite technology, which makes images brighter and more vivid thanks to its anti-glare feature. The Toshiba Satellite L305-S5961 offers a launch button for the Express CD/DVD media player and control buttons (play, stop, next, previous) as well as a volume control dial. The 4000 mAH lithium-ion battery pack for extra-long battery life.
Toshiba Satellite L305-S5961 come with a dual-core 2.0 GHz T4200 processor and also includes a 250 GB hard drive, 2 GB DDR2 of RAM (4 GB maximum), Intel GMA 4500M video card with up to 830 MB of shared video RAM, webcam integrated. The Toshiba Satellite L305-S5961 is RoHS-compatible, effectively reducing the environmental impact by restricting the use of lead, mercury and certain other hazardous substances.