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ráðleggingar óskast! í yfirklukkun

Sent: Fim 14. Jan 2010 21:55
af Robin
sælir, uuuu.... hvernig á ég að orða þetta... ég er með ca.2 ára vél með ný uppsettu windows 7 og langar til að prufa overclocka hana aðeins, þ.e.a.s. ef ég fæ smá hjálp frá ykkur hér sem kunna þetta, allavega notaði ég cpuid til að fá upplýsingar fyrir ykkur ef þið hafið tíma til að kíkka aðeins á þetta og ráðleggja mér í framhaldi af því hvað ég get gert.... ef eitthvað er hægt að gera?

kv. robert


CPU-Z version 1.53.1

Number of processors 1
Number of threads 2

Processor 0
-- Core 0
-- Thread 0 0
-- Thread 1 1

Processors Information
Processor 1 ID = 0
Number of cores 1 (max 1)
Number of threads 2 (max 2)
Name Intel Pentium 4 631
Codename Cedar Mill
Specification Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
Package (platform ID) Socket 775 LGA (0x2)
Extended CPUID F.6
Core Stepping D0
Technology 65 nm
Core Speed 2448.1 MHz
Multiplier x FSB 12.0 x 204.0 MHz
Rated Bus speed 816.0 MHz
Stock frequency 3000 MHz
Instructions sets MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, EM64T
L1 Data cache 16 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
Trace cache 12 Kuops, 8-way set associative
L2 cache 2048 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
FID/VID Control yes
FID range 14.0x - 15.0x
VID range 1.116 V - 1.324 V

Thread dumps
CPU Thread 0
Topology Processor ID 0, Core ID 0, Thread ID 0
Type 01001003h
Max CPUID level 00000006h
Max CPUID ext. level 80000008h
Cache descriptor Level 1, D, 16 KB, 2 thread(s)
Cache descriptor Level 2, U, 2 MB, 2 thread(s)
Cache descriptor Level 1, T, 12 KB, 2 thread(s)
Northbridge Intel P35/G33/G31 rev. A2
Southbridge Intel 82801IB (ICH9) rev. 02
Graphic Interface PCI-Express
PCI-E Link Width x16
PCI-E Max Link Width x16
Memory Type DDR2
Memory Size 2048 MBytes
Channels Dual, (Symmetric)
Memory Frequency 340.0 MHz (3:5)
CAS# latency (CL) 5.0
RAS# to CAS# delay (tRCD) 5
RAS# Precharge (tRP) 5
Cycle Time (tRAS) 15
Row Refresh Cycle Time (tRFC) 36
Command Rate (CR) 2T
MCHBAR I/O Base address 0x0FED14000
MCHBAR I/O Size 4096
Memory SPD
DIMM # 1
SMBus address 0x50
Memory type DDR2
Module format Regular UDIMM
Manufacturer (ID) Corsair (7F7F9E0000000000)
Size 1024 MBytes
Max bandwidth PC2-5300 (333 MHz)
Part number VS1GB667D2
Serial number 02017332
Manufacturing date Week 24/Year 07
Number of banks 2
Data width 64 bits
Correction None
Nominal Voltage 1.80 Volts
EPP no
XMP no
JEDEC timings table CL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS-tRC @ frequency
JEDEC #1 3.0-3-3-9-11 @ 200 MHz
JEDEC #2 4.0-4-4-12-15 @ 266 MHz
JEDEC #3 5.0-5-5-15-19 @ 333 MHz

DIMM # 2
SMBus address 0x52
Memory type DDR2
Module format Regular UDIMM
Manufacturer (ID) Corsair (7F7F9E0000000000)
Size 1024 MBytes
Max bandwidth PC2-5300 (333 MHz)
Part number VS1GB667D2
Serial number 02017333
Manufacturing date Week 24/Year 07
Number of banks 2
Data width 64 bits
Correction None
Nominal Voltage 1.80 Volts
EPP no
XMP no
JEDEC timings table CL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS-tRC @ frequency
JEDEC #1 3.0-3-3-9-11 @ 200 MHz
JEDEC #2 4.0-4-4-12-15 @ 266 MHz
JEDEC #3 5.0-5-5-15-19 @ 333 MHz
Hardware Monitors
Hardware monitor Winbond W83627DHG
Voltage 0 1.17 Volts [0x92] (CPU VCORE)
Voltage 1 6.36 Volts [0x72] (+12V)
Voltage 2 3.36 Volts [0xD2] (AVCC)
Voltage 3 3.36 Volts [0xD2] (+3.3V)
Voltage 4 1.20 Volts [0x96] (VIN1)
Voltage 5 3.74 Volts [0x9C] (+5V)
Voltage 6 1.57 Volts [0xC4] (VIN3)
Temperature 0 26°C (78°F) [0x1A] (SYSTIN)
Temperature 1 53°C (127°F) [0x6A] (CPUTIN)
Temperature 2 45°C (112°F) [0x5A] (AUXTIN)
Fan 0 1722 RPM [0x31] (SYSFANIN)
Fan 3 1795 RPM [0x2F] (CPUFANIN1
Display Adapters
Display adapter 0
Manuf. API index 0
Display name \\.\DISPLAY1
Name NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT
Revision A2
Codename G84
Technology 80 nm
Memory size 512 MB
Memory type DDR2
Memory bus width 128 bits
PCI device bus 1 (0x1), device 0 (0x0), function 0 (0x0)
Vendor ID 0x10DE (0x1458)
Model ID 0x0402 (0x3455)
Performance Level 3D Applications
Core clock 575.0 MHz
Shader clock 1300.0 MHz
Memory clock 400.0 MHz

Windows Version Microsoft Windows 7 (6.1) Ultimate Edition (Build 7600)
DirectX Version 11.0