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Fyrir þá sem telja sig vera með geggjaðar tölvur

Sent: Fim 24. Júl 2003 10:45
af icemob
Dear Icemob,

Dennis Publishing, the company who produce Computer Shopper, PCPro, PCZone & CVG are launching a new magazine aimed solely at the performance hardware and customisation market. Custom PC goes on sale on 28th August and we’re looking for the best self-built PC out there to be featured in issue one.

If you've put together a super-overclocked gaming monster, modded your PC in an interesting or innovative way, or just built a system you're proud of, then we want to hear about it. This is your opportunity to show your Custom PC to the world.

Just email telling us why your machine is a 300lb gorilla including some specs and 2 photos in the style shown on the right (max 20k per pic). This should include just basic stuff like processor, memory, HDD and graphics card. However, if there is something special about it i.e. you've soldered together your own sound card, tell us that too. We will pick a winner who will be interviewed by the staff and win £1,000 of hardware. We'll also send our roving photographer round to your house to take a picture of your machine in all its glory.

Email us your PC now and you could win £1,000 of the latest performance hardware!


If this sounds like your kind of magazine why not subscribe? Get 3 trial issues (including the LAUNCH ISSUE, out on 28th August), by calling: 0845 126 1014.

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