Leitin skilaði 3 niðurstöðum

af iptv_guy
Lau 14. Nóv 2020 17:04
Spjallborð: Snjallheimili, sjónvörp og hljóðkerfi
Þráður: Íslenskar stöðvar M3U
Svarað: 18
Skoðað: 9905

Re: Íslenskar stöðvar M3U

I see, thanks for your help! I will keep searching for it. But I'm happy with free channels from RÚV for now :)
af iptv_guy
Lau 14. Nóv 2020 09:30
Spjallborð: Snjallheimili, sjónvörp og hljóðkerfi
Þráður: Íslenskar stöðvar M3U
Svarað: 18
Skoðað: 9905

Re: Íslenskar stöðvar M3U

Hi, first: Very thanks to all of your answers. I tried Nova TV with Iceland VPN on my Android TV Box (arm-v7a), but app didn't start for me unfortunately. On my browser, I figured out to register, so thanks for the tip! And I'm interested in domestic sports (Icelandic Premier League and Handball). H...
af iptv_guy
Fös 13. Nóv 2020 20:01
Spjallborð: Snjallheimili, sjónvörp og hljóðkerfi
Þráður: Íslenskar stöðvar M3U
Svarað: 18
Skoðað: 9905

Re: Íslenskar stöðvar M3U

Hello, first of all: sorry for my English, but my icelandic isn't that good. I also want to access channels from Iceland through internet. I'm very interested in sports and news from there. So I want to see RÚV and Stöð 2. For RÚV I found some news on the site also for people abroad. But not the ful...